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Steve K-B

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Everything posted by Steve K-B

  1. I got to know this guy steve once, He inspired me to follow in his foot steps so I killed the f**ker and stole his identity. Thats me.
  2. Can you not open any of the other doors? Even from the inside?? V strange...
  3. Not to bad but...: Not knowing the drain plumbing was busted, I spewed up in the kitchen sink after a night out. Washed it down the sink hole but couldnt find out why i waw getting wet feet. Woke up the next morning to my dad cleaning up "food scraps" from under the sink. He couldnt figger were they had came from....
  4. Did you have anything to do with editing my profile?? Its NOT SLOW Waaaaa ooooooo weeeeeeee oooooo!

  5. Steve K-B

    E30 Seats

    Seats still here Sam! Its all your as long as the old man gets his cash. I need the barn space too....
  6. I agree but man he good at it
  7. Wheels are to small and the rear window looks retarded. I also hate people typing IN CAPITALS. LOOKS LIKE THERE YELLING WWWWAAAAA!!!!!!
  8. This is going to be awesome! Go McLaren!!!!
  9. Steve K-B


    Is this on your ford or Bmw?? Is it an electronic speedo?
  10. Sounds bloody good! Well done on the four days a week idea, Awesome! As for me I like to think of my self as an apprentice Jedi.
  11. 1989 Subaru Legacy - writen off in less than a week (not my fault....) 1990 Subaru legacy - 3 years 1881 Toyota Corolla - Still own 3+ years 325i - Currently ownd for 2+ years 1997 Toyota Rav4...... So f**king sad
  12. Ive never run the car hard in any thing longer than a hill climb and ive got a few rallys coming up so im trying to keep a better eye on things. Id really dislike to be put out of an event from mechanical failer. Ive had the alternator possitive wire break of and screw my regulator as well as an altinator failing all together. Im not worried if the electrical system is working fine (as it should and does at the moment) its when somthing stops working that I want to know about it so I could do somthing about it before a total charging loss, and I was hoping an ammeter would be a good indercator.Im hoping to keep an eye on the current draw to and from the battery as this would indcate a problem with the ACC draw or charging output and as the way the car is wired, I would have to put the gauge inline with the starter cable for this to work, this is why I would need a larger ammeter but as 3pedals has pointed out this is pretty much not an option. I do charge the battery before I use it and as often as I can remember to when its not being used. Altho It has gone flat over time when I do forget! I like "Voltage never exists on its own" and as you said an alternator producing voltage would be producing current, maybe I dont need an ammeter at all?? Just keep a better eye on the voltmeter? Good point with the starter motor, I didnt think about the extra amps if cranked in gear etc. A charge/discharge gauge is what I have but as I said above I cant measure what I want anyway I look at the wiering on my car. I do plan on running night time lights that will draw large a current but how many I have no idea. Ive done one night hill climb and ill never do another one just running the standard lights! Scary...... So now the question: Looking at what Cain and the rest have said, do I really need an ammeter if I have a voltmeter??
  13. Thanks for the input guys, If I was to get a new 100 or 120 amp ammeter and wire it in serries in the starter cable before the kill switch, that would give me the total possitive and negative current draw from the battery wouldnt it? I bought the gauge to keep an eye on the charging system as it has faild twice already, I have a volt meter in the car allready so that would be used to tell if the car wasnt charging at all. Should I just hook up the ammeter to the altinator possitive wire to keep an eye on charge amps? This would only tell me the performance of the altinator and may give a warning if it was on its way out I guess. Its alot easier to do it this way anyway, altho I would need a larger rated ammeter..... Do you guys see any problems with this set up?? Cheers
  14. Cheers Will, The car dosnt get used alot so the battery has been dead flat before as im sure it will happen again so thats why im worried about the gauge not being able to handel it. I under stand about it showing charge rate if its placed between the alternator and battery, But will it show in the negative? Im thinking the current draw for my accesories will by pass the gauge as I have all of my acceseries running of the starter cable from inside the engine bay or the switched side of the kill switch in the cabin. (the alternator wire joins the battery side of the kill switch and there are NO acceseries fun from that circut. I think this is my problem.......
  15. Thanks Bravo, your right about being in serries. I didnt think about it really but the alternator could well push out more than 60amps as the gauge only goes to 60 each way. Maybe I should have got a bigger one...... If I do run it in serries with the alternator, will still measure negative amps from the battery? Ie not charging?
  16. Hey all, I know this isnt related to BMWs but I wasnt sure where to post it. Ive just got a cheep Ammeter gauge from repco for my corolla but cant understand the broken english on the instructions. Ive had a look on the net but cant find much to help me. Soooooo....... Where do I connect the wires? From what I understand one goes to the positive on the battery and the other goes to the alternator charging wire. I dont understand how this is sup post to work as the two wires connect together at the kill switch. Im a bit lost so any help would be awesome. Cheers
  17. Steve K-B

    Back of the Y

    f**k Back of the Ys an awesome show, there are (or were?) making a movie a year or so back but im not sure if it was ever finished. I saw spanners watsons drag car...... Sooooooo funny Im now a Big fan of Dejavoodoo! "Can't do what I wanna do" is frecken great drunken rowdy song.
  18. Hey there. Me personaly, I would be happy reusing as ive done many times but would put a bit of thread lock just to be safe. The bolt could be a stretch bolt but im not sure there. Just dont tighten the hell out of it.
  19. Alot better than I could do but pretty average compared to the JDM yo
  20. I cant quite see from the photos, around the bottom does the box follow the guard closely? Ie does it have any big gaps at all? It looks bloody good from the photos but I thought I would just ask. I may be keen for a couple but would love to view one in person first. Is there any one in Auckland with one? If not im heading down to hamilton on the 24th of march for a rallyfest, May be we could meet up some time on friday before?? Thanks!! Ohh and what brand air filter are they? Steve
  21. Off topic here but I dont have time at the mo to find out what sam calls him self at the moment (spargo) so cant PM him etc. A message for Sam: Dad wants to get rid of the rear M3 seat (both squabs) and his exact words were: "What will he offer me?" Get back to me and ill pass it on to him. Also the front recaro seats are in average condition and im trying to convince him to rid of them, do you know of any one who would want them?? Cheers.
  22. Steve K-B

    BMW e30 318

    30mm sounds sweet, You shouldnt hit anything with in reason with that. Ive got 40mm drop on mine and have bottomd out once in two years. Im not to sure about the leather tho... Its your car so if you like it go for it man.
  23. Haha, Lets just say the salad girl wasnt interested Yeah Conrods M3 is a damn sweet car... would have been choice to see it race with the other group A M3s down south! - Maybe next year??
  24. I actually think im falling in love with the N/A sound of those group A M3's - awesome
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