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Steve K-B

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Posts posted by Steve K-B

  1. Id be behind getting a skippesr licence for them, i can imagin what it must be like up your way over newyears/Xmas. Evey body probly sais this but ill say it anyway, I'll be carefull.

    Jazzbazz, Toys are made to be thrashed!! But i can see where your coming from and im not expecting a cheep ride with it. I say never lend your toys out to any one.....(unless you happen to be a multi millionare living in the bays :D )

    Theres now way im going fishing in a damn ski, unfortunatly it dosnt appeal to me :huh:

    So any other relevant info? Floating helps, but im not sure about the homo chariots part :o

  2. Hey all, ive prety much decided im going to get a jetski.

    Any one here know much about them? Im having a look at a yamaha blaster 2 in the weekend, what are the things i need to be looking out for? I havent had much experance with two strokes and skis for that matter. If you know anything let me know.


  3. Haha :D what do you have to sound like to own a race car????

    I've got a 96 wrx for my rally car in which I lead my local club in the point's table avgas forge's 18psi.

    The E30 is deffinatly my favorite car and yes it is my dailydriver but since putting this m50 in it's just become a one wheel wonder. I used to have a RB30 turbo VL commodore which I welded the diff up on. As you said harsh on componant's but componant's can be replaced. Driiven correctly way more fun than a open Diff.

    What's everyone's thoughts..... Street Car or Race Car I rekon two wheels is better than one :ph34r:

    Sorry there, I was in a bad state of mind. :wacko: I dont intend to make myself look like an idiot, it just seams to happen somtimes.... :blush:

    I was just thinking if you weld it up its just going to wear your tyres out quick as. That and i very wrongly assumed that you must have been a young burn out drag racer. Again i hope i didnt make my self look like too much of an idiot :(

  4. The Snap On van even comes to you! How cool is that?

    Not if hes the stingy guy that does the glenfeild area....

    Anyway, jonnesway are a good cheep brand, Perfectly suited for the weekend user. Ive got a lot of there stuff and if anything brakes ill sent for a new one.

    I love stahlwille spanners, nice rounded edges that wont cut into your hand. Also the ring end is very slim so you can get to a lot of tight spots with them. I find snap on a little to sharp and when i save up enough im getting me a stahlwille set. I have sh*t spanners at the moment but they also do the trick.

    Snap on ratchets rock. Im getting me one of those too but not the whole socket set as the sockets are to expensive to loose.

    Im using a fuller set and i dont see that lasting 5 years using it every week day.

    I also love snap on screwdriver set, and definatly get a snap on ratcheting screw driver!!! Its probly thae best tool i have so far.

  5. Also, those 16x10"s are already on a e30, they look sweet on the car they are on but i have a feeling with the arse of my car being so low i might have trouble with fitment, they are running hub spacers and the dude that has them said the stick out about 1/2 inch from the front guards. Will this affect WOF?

    Yes, the wheel and tyre must not stick out further than the gard. 16" * 10" are extremly wide wheels...... you would be sticking 255 tyres on wouldnt you? Would they fit? or am i just missing somthing here :blink:

  6. If it doesn't make it go faster, what's the point? That applies to anything.

    For looks. Yes in this case it does look realy gay.... But going fast isint the point of everything. If i wanted to go fast i wouldnt have bought a bmw.

    Each to there own ^_^

    Edit: please dont get the wrong idea, I still love BMWs!

  7. Hey all,

    Im looking for at least six RELIABLE people to help with the Greg Todd rally on the 13th of Aug being held in the Carter Holt Harvey Maramarua Forest. What you will be doing is helping with the chacanes (a total of six of them) making sure they are set up in the morning before the stage starts and keeping them in place when the cars hits/brushes them. Ie move them back into place while keeping very awear of your own safety. The cars should be a miniute apart so it shouldnt be to much of a problem.

    The chicanes them self are made up of six of those red/white safety barriers you see at road works. They will be arranged some thing like two on the left a few meters then two on the right, a few more meters then anothr two on the left again. (there will be an exact measurement but im not sure of that at the mo)

    I dont nave many details at the moment but like i said before, If you decide to do it you HAVE to be comited to turn up.If you agree to come and dont turn up..... Ill be in THE sh*t. From what ive seen rallys HAVE to run On Time. If you want to do it with a freind / girl freind / boy freind / man freind or any other type of freind I dont see any problem with that. I did the chicanes last year and im keen to do it again!! Its amazing what some of he drives can do :o Its will be an early start and will probly be the whole day.

    Any Questions ask and i will try to find the answer for you.

    A bit more info is here: http://www.aucklandcarclub.org.nz/ Just go to rally then to Greg Todd rally.

    Thanks alll!! Now back to the garage for more fun :wacko:

    E: I need to know as soon please, thanks. And did i mention that its bloody good fun to watch??!

    E: Want to contact me? and i mean why wouldnt you?? mmm? im so not hot right now.... 0210748973

  8. This skin rocks

    Im getting used to all the new features and there awesome. Fast reply is damn cool and so is the all new and imporved "my assistant".

    Well done

    EDIT: the fast, full edit rocks also.

    As you said to keep the feedback coming, ive noticed two things. One is the smiley faces and the other is when you go to your last 10 posts you cant tell if there are any new posts. I cant rember what the old site used to do? I dont mean to sound picky, its an awesome job youve done!

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