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Everything posted by Homy.D.Clown

  1. oops i seriously did give her the front kick...all this talk of what cars have the l6 enjun.... i just flipped out when she yabbed bout the 1936 ford v8 ok no more drugs...
  2. man that silver beast is sooooo tough ..though personally..loose the crap from round the headlights (esp the corners) hey 1N STYL is that actually your car in your sig?
  3. hey its fine for them to shoot at your car with lasers without your permission... so i declare that for the sake of fair game we should be able to shoot back... ps ive just brought a valentine one from the states...im so sick of speed camera photos...but of course since purchasing ive hardly driven and havent seen any mobile cameras.....but now ive got the best warning....
  4. Homy.D.Clown

    wanted to buy

    any badges....unnessisary
  5. why so you can defile them like you do inflateable sheeps....pervert sicko JCbut so funny at parties..cool
  6. awww u fink dat funny wound eye hmmm put da special cweemy sauce on yor won tons...now we see who smile the loudest
  7. u know who else loves it...ya mum meh that was a great commercial...
  8. the truth is out....out.....umm ....side?
  9. if it aint a classic ford...well i hope you burn man i hate newer fords...such sh*t piles *pic from the whangamata beach hop the other weekend..was so freekin cool i kicked my mum in the face
  10. dick smiths....u serious.....ive always been questionable of their products.....
  11. Ahhh the memories.... oh why god wont they just buff right out.. WHY!!!!! btw....as someone that works on cars all day long ..fords are the worst...seriously
  12. if you get them (walkie talkie thingies)dont get cheap ones.. you get what you pay for.. i think motorolla do some good ones.. 3km range is fine in most instances. yeah fricken handy
  13. hmm check out the homeless guy in the golf course...may have found andy unconcious.... in the bunker of doom and how tucks his tools between his legs and wears andy like a human coat ..."it rubs the lotion on its skin"
  14. Homy.D.Clown

    Shotgun rules

    Yeah its so badassness its got pictures of drunken "super-ninjas" all over the show. Coz yo'll know theres not much more badass than a drunken super ninja... maybe better if he's drunk on Pirate beer... whatever
  15. ep ep ep im getting older but school girls stay the same age... working on being a dirty ol man..now that i am..
  16. hmm the models that came with no shielding were probably 1.6L and/or 1.8L ...cant generate enough heat too scorch bread..let alone paint... just joking in case your the owner of one of the above mentioned N-juns
  17. dont stress too much boys..soon it may become a regular occurance.. *snicker* "zeb ! ..sick em"
  18. ahh the net spaders....sad lads. FFS shes trying to buy a car not one of you, although im sure she could get hours more pleasure from the car...lol DNZ did you actually speak at the meet?
  19. Err.. i think he was refering to speedclips. but now *sic has confused me....
  20. Homy.D.Clown

    Welly Chaps

    looks like its had a smack in the nose too..look at the bumper chrome.
  21. dam honestly i cant see how BMW got branded as having expensive parts... ive been working on lots of different cars for freekin ages and BMW's would have to be one of the cheapest..honestly, and availability is no major issue with lots of second hand dealers round these days. or good quality aftermarket stuff actually the worst cars at the moment seem to be nissans..we get some stupid prices for stuff, like $2000 for one cefiro headlight, $4000 minstral nudge bar(the cars only worth bout 10k) , $1000 for a set of 4 window monsoons..or a doozie $800 for the little mirror that sits on the end on the passengers front guard...its only moulded plastic and a bit af mirror FFS... getting mad gotta stop..
  22. waterblasters...good for cleaning engine bays of ppl whos car you dont like.. ..go hard on all them electronic connectors and ait intakes...
  23. 80k...badasss!!!! our ones not quite so clean...yet..lol
  24. urethane.. or as i like to call it..... black gold if i ever see silicone on cars i get all pissed..horrid crap ..urethane(like what sticks your windscreen in...mmm now thats whats holding my kit on..oh .. and yours too *sic )
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