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Euro plates made in NZ

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Id be happy to help write a submission against the monopoly... damn the Govt probably wouldn't allow for a competitive plates market though...

Supernormal proifts much crikey

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Id be happy to help write a submission against the monopoly... damn the Govt probably wouldn't allow for a competitive plates market though...

Supernormal proifts much crikey

AFAIK Personalized plates is privately owned though...

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I'm having normal plate, can I order Euro plate from Licensys?


Wonder why is this so cheap compared to plates.co.nz ? What's the catch?

the catch is they are a different font and as has been proven, you will get caught and fined $200. Yes it is the biggest crock of sh*t ever but life is full of pathetic things like this and we have to learn to deal with it.

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Licensys make all of the plates for plates.co.nz. They are the official plate manufacturer for nz AFAIK.

I believe that form is the order form for having plates ordered through plates.co.nz manufactured. I'm pretty sure that if you havn't ordered a plate through plates.co.nz filling out that form won't get you anywhere.

I'm a tad concerned it doesn't let you say what sort of plate (euro etc) you want as this means it probably has to be backed up by an arder through plates for those kinds of details.

If it does work, you have just discovered a loop hole as any plate you get through licensys should be a legit nz plate.

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"$32.50 Picture / Message / Red / Euro / 440."

Maybe there's another page where you select your plate..?

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Like I said, I'm pretty sure it has to come backed up with an order through plates.

When you buy a personalised plate, plates sends you the ownership paperwork, and a form to manufacture which you send to Licensys to have them make your plate. This is just the online version of that form. I'm pretty sure you can't actually just order up plates using it.

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OK, so I emailed them.

Good day, Am I correct in saying that licensys is the official manufacturer for license plates in new zealand? If so, am I able to order a remanufacture of my existing plate directly through licensys? Even if I require a different style to my current plate (eg Red/Euro, etc)? Thankyou in advance.

Hello Graham

Yes, Licensys are the official plate manufacturer. If you require your plate in a different style you will first need to change the style with Personalised Plates.

They can be contacted on 0800 752 837 or www.plates.co.nz

Kind Regards


So there you go. $400 to plates because they feel like it, and $32.50 to Licensys to actually make the things. And no you can't deal direct with Licensys - I guess its to prevent people getting lots of duplicate plates made for several similar vehicles and only paying a single rego fee.

Loophole closed before it opened.

Edited by bravo

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