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The government should invest in reading classes

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Simply so that people can recognize the difference between a sign that says (80) and one that says (100) to decrease fines, accidents and overall stupidity of drivers. I was on the motorway, just got of the harbor bridge (on the north shore side of things) and some moron's behind me high beaming me as I was doing 89 KM/H then he changes lanes and speeds off!!!

Do those temporary (80) signs mean anything at all? when in such an area I try sticking to that limit, and I get overtaken by almost every driver around O.O

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Yea, I get the same thing threw Manukau (they have been working on it for like a year now) and no one seems to slow down!!

I just go with the flow..

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I slow down. 80kph usually indicates that there might be vehicles/workmen as hazards. Perhaps i'm one of few remaining naive people who stick to the speed limit?

...However, I find people who do 80-90kph on motorway right lanes and overtaking lanes hugely annoying.

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What about the 30km/h on George Bolt Memorial Drive (on the way to the airport)??? I slow down to about 60-70 km/h and still get over taken by taxis!

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Yea, I get the same thing threw Manukau (they have been working on it for like a year now) and no one seems to slow down!!

I just go with the flow..

Same. I figure he can't catch us all...

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its bad temporary traffic management the guide states that measures should be taking to make the traffic slow to the desired temporary limit eg chokeing the lanes down with cones, people just carry on like normal, every STMS course iv been on (the certificate to legally let you work on roads) the tutors bitch about drivers not keeping to the limit

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I love 30kph areas and stop signs esp, when ppl cant overtake you, then speed test to 100 as soon as im out of the 30k area or off the dbl yellow line.

remember 50kph over and your license is gone.

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If I can not see any workers I carry on at 100km/hour, if they are working I'll slow to the flow of traffic. And obviously if there are cops around 80km/hour, but in saying that cops generally do 90km/hour in Caution80 zones so you just follow them.

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its bad temporary traffic management

Sure is. I have STMS qualification aswell.

I must have pissed a few people off as I would sometimes keep religiously to the speed limit totally unaware until a few weeks ago that my speedo was over-reading by 10km/h. yeap - I'm that guy doing 70kph in an 80 flipping the bird to those "hoons" going past at 90 thinking they were doing 100 plus.

Speedo fixed now, and it must be coincidence because there's nowhere near as many speeding drivers anymore! lol.

Edited by bravo

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remember 50kph over and your license is gone.


LOL at bravo's post.

I work for a roading company during my uni holiday's, if we get to many speeding cars coming through we just stop one of the highway patrol cars passing by, and they just sit on site for a couple hours. It's funny watching people lock up on gravel as they see the cop.

Edited by antony

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thought it was 30kph? :s

Almost got f**ked last night by a sneaky cop. luckily i wasnt speeding :ph34r:

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Those handy LCD signs on the side of the road.

"slow down"

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What's more accurate speedo or GPS? My navman S90 read abouts 5-8km/h less than speed, so when needle is at 110km/h GPS reads something like 105km/h.

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Theres a hill on Whitford Road on the way to Beachlands/Maraetai where its all coned out and signs saying 30km/h so I slow to ~70km/h so I don't lose my liscence, next thing I know I've got a line of cars up my arse as far as the eye can see.

Weeks earlier people had lost cars/liscences and got whopping speeding tickets when the cops spent a few days there.

The rediculous thing is, its been like that for what seems like months, full of pot holes, with no workers working on the road at all.

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What's more accurate speedo or GPS? My navman S90 read abouts 5-8km/h less than speed, so when needle is at 110km/h GPS reads something like 105km/h.

Ditto, Garmin on my phone reads lower than the E30 & E46's speedo. Pretty sure most car manufacturers make their speedo's under-read as a safety precaution.

Although in the X-Trail it's nearly the same figure off GPS/Speedo.

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You shouldn't be in the fast lane just because you think you are doing a satisfactory speed. If the middle or slow lanes are free you should be in one of them and not the fast lane regardless of what your actual speed is.

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It's actually in the RoadCode that one should keep left at all time. It's just no one actually care to follow it.

In Hong Kong, you get ticket for staying in fast lanes when middle lane is clear. Fines HK$450 (~NZ$80)

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It's actually in the RoadCode that one should keep left at all time. It's just no one actually care to follow it.

In Hong Kong, you get ticket for staying in fast lanes when middle lane is clear. Fines HK$450 (~NZ$80)

I thought you keep left all the time when there are no lanes on the road O_O. At any rate it wouldn't really be feasible if everyone on the motorway kept left (congestion) but saying that, in my scenario I was doing 89km/h which is the maximum legal limit, so why shouldn't I use the fast lane O_o

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I thought you keep left all the time when there are no lanes on the road O_O. At any rate it wouldn't really be feasible if everyone on the motorway kept left (congestion) but saying that, in my scenario I was doing 89km/h which is the maximum legal limit, so why shouldn't I use the fast lane O_o

you are supposed to keep left at all times....on a multi lane road keep left unless overtaking...

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We really need to take a German driving etiquette lesson in this country - they NEVER pass on the inside on the autobahn, quickly move out of the fast lane when flashed, and they religously stick to the posted speed limit when there is one (as in not 1 km/h over the limit). Having said that, I have blasted past a cop doing 200 on the autobahn - and held up a high velocity M3 at the same time in an unlimited speed area....

German efficiency is a beautiful thing.

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How do you know if your speedo is reading inaccurately?

I always suspected mine was out. Then they put up those LCD speed signs that display your speed. There's one in Whangarei. I'd be doing an indicated 55kph and it would say 45km/h. There's also one on SH 1 north of Puhoi as you're heading south. I would be doing 105kph indicated and it would say 95kph. So I got out the hand-held GPS and it said the same - I was over reading by 10kph constant over all speeds from 40kph-100kph+. So I removed the cluster and adjusted it and tested. It now reads about 1.5kph higher than the gps, and if I hit reset on the average speed function on my OBC it is now about 2kph lower than the OBC (it was about 10kph higher before).

So I should be pretty good now depending on GPS accuracy, but I'd guess its very good at determining velocity. I'll check against the LCD signs when I drive to Auckland in 2 weeks.

Only downside is that now I'll probably get more tickes as before I had an auto-safety function.

Pretty sure most car manufacturers make their speedo's under-read as a safety precaution.

I think you mean over-read - ie they say you're going faster than you are.

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Avenged - thats a big problem on Auckland motorways, if you aren't passing someone, get into the slow lane(s)! If you sit at whatever predetermined speed YOU think is ok and have people behind you in the fast lane, you should get out of the way! Simple as that

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Avenged - thats a big problem on Auckland motorways, if you aren't passing someone, get into the slow lane(s)! If you sit at whatever predetermined speed YOU think is ok and have people behind you in the fast lane, you should get out of the way! Simple as that

I agree

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