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e34 getting hot help

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randomly driving home from work i found my temp guage was going passed half way (never happened before)..i pulled over released water from radiator filled it up with more water after cooling down i checked oil and it was fine started it again and started gettin hot again so i towed it home to be save ..there was no water coming out of radiator either ..could anyone help me?

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Dont drive it anymore. Get it towed to a repairer and have it checked. Might only be a thermostat or the water pump impellor may be broken.

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Dont drive it anymore. Get it towed to a repairer and have it checked. Might only be a thermostat or the water pump impellor may be broken.

what would you charge glenn? u got much work on PM when you can

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did you put it on a truck , shouldn't tow a auto with a rope .

maybe viscous fan unit not keeping up .

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wel ok the water pump fixed the problem from gettin hot hot and over heating but now 2 weeks later its still going past half way then goin back after abit any ideas why?

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wel ok the water pump fixed the problem from gettin hot hot and over heating but now 2 weeks later its still going past half way then goin back after abit any ideas why?

Ill drop past with another viscous fan for you to try tonight, see if that sorts it out, if it doesn't then we'll look at the thermostat. I'm still puzzled as to the water flow from your old water pump, usually the metal impellers don't give many problems, but there was definitely a lack of flow through the system.

I hate that feeling driving along, especially in heavy traffic eyes glued to the temp gauge.

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make sure you get all the air out...heater on,front of car slightly uphill,and radiator is not clogged and all the brarhers to expansion tank are clear

Edited by kiwi535

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If the car is getting hot while sitting stationary and then cooling down while driving it will be the Auxillary fan. Check the fuse... it could be blown.

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