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Time for a rant

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Just want to let the time wasters and bludgers know whats now happening.

If you ask, phone, PM me or come here for advise....book your car in to have work done....dont turn up.....dont phone to either re-book or cancel your appointment


No help & no info and I wont respond to any of your help questions

I'm getting sick of it... do it once... thats it... end of story

I give alot to you guys where I can, and go out of my way for anybody that shows respect for what I do

If you have done this in the past.... you'll get f**k all help from me

I have many freinds within the group that respect what I do... for the rest....go and get a lesson on " get real" and maybe look up a dictionary and check out the meaning of "respect" & "polite"

This has happened 4 times this week

And I'm not going to "name & shame".... not my style :D

End of rant..... I hope you guys all have a great long weekend


Glenn :wub:

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Seems fair to me Glenn.

How hard is it to pick up a phone anyway?!?

Edited by Westy

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That's a very valid rant. I hope the perpetrators feel a little (or a lot) ashamed.

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I give alot to you guys where I can, and go out of my way for anybody that shows respect for what I do

now theres an understaement! im sure 90% of the members here REALY appreciate your help, i know i certainly do!

keep up the good work Glenn! B)

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Well put Glenn, don't blame you for that at all.

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I fully support your stance Glenn.

And I thank you for all of your help, advice, free beers, free sausages, free coffee, free conversation, over the years.

To the offenders:

The forum sponsors (all of them) give alot to this community. Through advertising, they help pay to make sure there is even a site at all. Through their advice they make this community 1000 times more useful, helpful and successful. Through their special member's deals they help each and every member where it helps - the wallet. I've lost count of the $ I've saved through sponsors deals, but it would be easily over a thousand dollars over the years. And I'm not the only one.

Anyone who abuses the generosity from sponsors is not a valued member in this community in my opinion. you run the risk of ruining it for everyone.

If I ever find out about someone treating our sponsors in this way, rest assured I will be talking with admin and the rest of the moderation team to discuss your removal from the community.

To the sponsors:

Thankyou for your continued support.

To everyone else:

Please support our sponsors. Everyone of them goes out of their way to help members. You will always be looked after, and usually get a discount.

If you need to bail on a deal or a time you have your vehicle booked in, do the right thing and ring. It doesn't take much. A little bit of courtesy goes along way.

Have fun out there!

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Just want to let the time wasters and bludgers know whats now happening.

If you ask, phone, PM me or come here for advise....book your car in to have work done....dont turn up.....dont phone to either re-book or cancel your appointment


No help & no info and I wont respond to any of your help questions

I'm getting sick of it... do it once... thats it... end of story

I give alot to you guys where I can, and go out of my way for anybody that shows respect for what I do

If you have done this in the past.... you'll get f**k all help from me

I have many freinds within the group that respect what I do... for the rest....go and get a lesson on " get real" and maybe look up a dictionary and check out the meaning of "respect" & "polite"

This has happened 4 times this week

And I'm not going to "name & shame".... not my style :D

End of rant..... I hope you guys all have a great long weekend


Glenn :wub:

I hear what your saying and agree fully.... manners dont cost anything but i suppose advertising on a site like this your always going to get a few time wasters.All you can do is keep that chin up and carry on with the good customers.

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good one Glenn.I can vouch for your expertise and helpfulness....and one day you will receive some business from me.

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I have come to expect this sort of thing come sports seasons with people using me for complicated/intricate quote work with no real intension of using my business. Part and parcel.

Makes me laugh at the stupid little gits with their Premium second hand BMW’s they don’t want to pay the Premium to maintain such a car, have driven a few prime examples of such neglect over the past few weeks.

I can see a lot of 90's BMW/Audi/Merc’s being sold as parts due to the unreliability and expensive maintenance costs.

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Makes me laugh at the stupid little gits with their Premium second hand BMW’s they don’t want to pay the Premium to maintain such a car, have driven a few prime examples of such neglect over the past few weeks.

Made me laugh this morning, had a young guy in with his car loosing water, needed a new radiator bleed screw, and grizzled at the price ..... was a huge cost...... $8 and we didnt charge him GST

I wonder if he is member in here ?? and I wonder what the actual condition of the car is really like

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I can see a lot of 90's BMW/Audi/Merc’s being sold as parts due to the unreliability and expensive maintenance costs.

I wouldn't so much blame the car, I would place more blame on the unreliable owners who grizzle at the price of an $8 bung leading to the overheating engine, blown head gasket and cracked head. Maintenance costs are no higher than most other makes and models.

Thank you heaps for your help last week Glenn I really do appreciate the help you gave. I hope I wasn't one of the un-named grizzle munchers.

I was contemplating buying a new crank sensor just to eliminate the possibility completely. Put the car up on the hoist and had a close inspection and it is highly likely that it isn't the original engine, lots of broken plug clips and a damaged wire in the loom. No visible damage to the wire I found it with a mulitmeter. I'm guessing when I changed the sensor I gave the wire a bit of a tweak to help it get a signal to the ecu. Fixed the break and put the original sensor back on and away she went. The hissing ICV disappeared as well. I now look forward to seeing what else will break.

Now I might tackle the vanos solenoid.

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But if it were Japanese it wouldn’t need the plug in the first place.. A quick look under the bonnet of my low tech E30 reveals a lot of ware (oil leaks, corroded pipes and plastics) compared to my Toyota of the same age, they defiantly require a lot more “maintenance†than a Jap equivalent.

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But if it were Japanese it wouldn’t need the plug in the first place.. A quick look under the bonnet of my low tech E30 reveals a lot of ware (oil leaks, corroded pipes and plastics) compared to my Toyota of the same age, they defiantly require a lot more “maintenance†than a Jap equivalent.

I agree...we had a 1986 ish toyota corona....2 l fuel injected...the thing lived for years and years on oil changes only,witht he occasional spark plug change.It strarted first time evry time,would fire instantly,mosttimes you didnt even hear the starter.....it had a lot of rust tho, and eventually cracked the head after running low on coolant after the water pump crapped out....It was bloody good on petrol too,although it did need super

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