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I'm sorry I had to post this....

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There are so many epic threads on that forum. When I first saw the link I thought it was the one about the guy who "accidentally" fellatioed a man and wanted to know if he was gay. Now that was funny!

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Guest Simon*


There are so many epic threads on that forum. When I first saw the link I thought it was the one about the guy who "accidentally" fellatioed a man and wanted to know if he was gay. Now that was funny!

No F'ing way???????????

Accidentally? LMFAO :lol:

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Oh and wheres the link for this accidentaly fellatio

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I feel a little bad for posting it, but I had to share the lols with somebody!

Edited by Hi-Tek

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This pic says it all...


Edited by Quailboy

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Jesus f**king christ!!

I love the guy who says "whats wrong with her eyes" LOL

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I was just about to have my dinner but that thing just put me off...

Edited by Kaz

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"You know your girlfriend is ugly right?"

It lol'd hard at that! lmao


"Bite your tongue"

LOL that is the funniest thing i have ever seen

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surely he cant be serious when he says she's hot

"My girlfriend is the most beautiful creature in the world. You guys don't know what you're talking about."

Well he got the creature part right lol

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Christ shes fugly! Bet he has to tie tassels to her so the dog will play with her.

But also these bodybuilding folk are just idiots.

Bodybuilding is like Fight Club...I was on a plane the other day, I looked up and saw a guy get on the plane...big guy. I knew he lifted. I knew he ate oatmeal and egg whites for breakfast. He looked at me. He knew I lifted. He knew I had a protein shake before bed. We didnt say one word to each other,but I knew...and he knew. Now that's some cool, Fight Club type sh*t. Bodybuilding is the best thing since sliced bread...whole grain bread that is.


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Rofl that^^^^ is funnier than the original thread!

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f**king hell that went forever! Crack up! I'd expect her to be 10ft down by now.

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