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Outside of Beamers, what are your hobbies?

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Me, I observe our solor system through a time machine, or a telescope in laymans terms, study (in a mathamatical/physical) why, what, how we are here.

I am in awe that a light year is 9,460,540,000,000 kilometers away, or 9.5 Trillion kilometers, or 6 Trillion miles away. When I observe, or show others our nearest star, which is alfa centauri at 4.33 light years away ( yeah do the maths ), its a bretty big place.

I often think, are we the only place in the cosmos with BMW'S ( or hondas :) ) ? or car washing bitches?


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I'm in awe at just how lucky we are to be here aye - if the earth was a few thousand kilometers closer or further from the sun then we'd probably wouldn't be able to exist on this lonely planet, crazy. So considering that, what possible chance is there that there is another planet with the exact same ecological characteristics of terra firma in this massive universe???

Does anyone else believe that time can be altered, like flying around the sun at warp speed to go back a few hundred years??? Imagine how hard it'd be to get a shag in 1804, if it were NZ, you'd probably get eaten if you tried it on aye down at the local :lol:

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i like to think about the possibilty that god does not exist, and if he does he probably doesnt like me, in all possiblity he hates me, f**k God, f**k redemption, if we are his unwanted children SO BE IT!

I like to think about the actual possiblity that god cannot exist, and the theory of evil.. gid cannot be all loveing all powerful and all knowing at once.. if you want to discuss this ask below, if not leave it :P..

a mate who is hardcore got me real into thinking about the theory of free will and the lack thereof, this is also good to think about as im quite versed in biology and physiology. Another of the noodle cookers i like to think about is the quantum physics problem that there always needs to be an observer, so therefore you are unable to die, as this would break the rule that there needs to be an observer (ie you) but the thing is others can watch you die.. hmm ill try an example.. you get a knife and stab it in your chest others around you watch you fall down and die, but you will never die, you will always miraculasly survive... thing is how do you prove it, as everyone around you (in that particular dimension) will see you die...

but yea other stuff too... get me on rapture and ill talk to you till dawn!

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Time can be altered, or sort of, what i mean to say is time is not constant We did this in physics. Apparently they (NASA i suppose) go 2 stopwatches and started them at the same time. one stayed on earth the other was put in a orbiter thingy, when the orbiter landed the clocks were out of sinc.

I know its hard to get you head round but time is related to velocity.

The thing i often wonder is... why?

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Time can be altered, or sort of, what i mean to say is time is not constant We did this in physics. Apparently they (NASA i suppose) go 2 stopwatches and started them at the same time. one stayed on earth the other was put in a orbiter thingy, when the orbiter landed the clocks were out of sinc.

I know its hard to get you head round but time is related to velocity.

The thing i often wonder is... why?

Mass. That whole time thingee is encompassed by Einsteins theory of relativity, he worked out that time isn't constant.

While I don't work on this stuff in my spare time I have read a few things, like that light and time gets warped by the suns mass, so telesopes can see things on the other side of the sun.

Actual hobbies would be drinking, women, and expanding my porno collection :pimp:

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Time can be altered, or sort of, what i mean to say is time is not constant We did this in physics. Apparently they (NASA i suppose) go 2 stopwatches and started them at the same time. one stayed on earth the other was put in a orbiter thingy, when the orbiter landed the clocks were out of sinc.

Proven indeed..two planes cruise around the world at the same velocities in opposite directions, one gets to the 'starting point' earlier cos of it's direction relative to the orbit of the earth.... not completly relative to your point, but kinda. Loosly explains this theory.

In Hawkings book "Universe in a nutshell" he explains the oddity of velocity vs time quite well. Bloody good read if you can be bothered.

*sic, yeah get me started and i'll dribble bout this stuff all night too, especially after a few too many, or a peace pipe or two :drugs:

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Its far too confusing for a person of my intellect. I know mass is related to energy and time (e = mc2), where all this comes in with time and velocity who knows? I think its weird that something the size of a pea can be transformed into enough energy to power my car for a long time.

other hobbies are

dirtbikes :wub:

and other teenage male stuff - drinking, chicks, etc

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Time can deffinitly be warped, it relies entirly on what you take :mosh: but in the real world my hobbies outside of my car are moto X, sking, my wife general socialising and fun..

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Carl what sort of dirty porn u got.. haha all you boys would be wishing u had a wife.... B)

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Carl what sort of dirty porn u got.. haha all you boys would be wishing u had a wife.... B)

Good stuff, just ask Tim, Mike, Glenn, Jamahl... :lol:

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Guest Andrew

Its far too confusing for a person of my intellect. I know mass is related to energy and time (e = mc2), where all this comes in with time and velocity who knows? I think its weird that something the size of a pea can be transformed into enough energy to power my car for a long time.

other hobbies are

dirtbikes :wub:

and other teenage male stuff - drinking, chicks, etc

In that equation mass is only related to the speed of light - which is not constant .. E = M * (3*10^8)^2 (for most purposes)

With quantum physics everything happens in relative "universes". You can prove the exsistance of multiple universes with simple experiments such as Youngs Double Slit experiment i.e shine a uniform light through a slit and when observed it displays a wave type pattern on the recording sheet - unobserved it produces a particle behavior - so what is light.. wave or particle?

You can also shine on photon (1 particle of light) at photo receptive paper and instead of seeing a straight dot being recorded it displays a mess of dots, as in the light particle has hit something. (This is done in a vacuum by the way - so the light is not colliding with oxygen particles or any atmospheric intoference). The interesting thing is - light photons are only displaced by other light photons - this means photons in a parallel universe must be interacting with them.

Damn i hate physics..

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Guest Spargo






Did I mention cars?

we are cooking on all cylinders here!  Fellow posters - take note!

The cool brothers i never had!

Except for waterskiing, wakeboarding is where it's at.

Fishing / sailing / boating / free diving

Sport - road cycling and mtb / cricket / pretty much anything, i'm ultra competitive

Drinking - fine abbey and trappist monk beers / cognac

Hanging with my Siberian Husky, truely mans best friend

Exploring time travel, utilising black holes and the event horizon (Hawking, yo' da man!)

Music - major collection in progress, mainly in Drum N Bass / Rock / Classical among other things, starting to get into hip hop

Reading - maybe lame, but how else does one further himself in erudite topics?

Cigars - Humidor is getting a little full, maye time to have some small arsons!

Womanising - a hobby that requires much practice.

Edited by CiLK WuRM

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Gansgta life:

Making beats

Listening to beats (DnB, Hiphop, House, Downbeat)






Gaming - MAME, Street FIghter II - The World Warrior, (actual arcade machine), PS2, GBA w/flash card

DVDs on the plasma/bose

Financial Investment

Looking for somewhere to do donuts in my car ?!?

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Music - 80s metal, rock, 70s rock eg metallica, pink floyd, led zeppelin (bow down to)

Musical instruments - stopped playing my bagpipes in feburary but jammed someone elses out the other day, lookin to take up bass guitar soon.

Track Racing, Tarmac Sprints - hobbies that i want to get into

Ladies- altho im f*cken hopeless with them

General imaturity and misbehaving - pulling CaM round a supermarket by his arm, hugging security gaurds for photos, yelling at cafe people the next late' is on me etc

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hmm lets see things i like


-80's music (dont ask)

-regular music of today


only good stuff now not stuff i used to drink

-car audio to some extent

-bmw model cars (the ones u build yourself)

-clubbing/ bars, goes really well if u hav money or someones elses. deffinatly not when u get hit by a taxi van and beaten up twice and had to walk home from town (note' not all in the same nite) lol

-my brothers subi (arhhh im gunna get sh*t for it bbut hav taken some facination in it, nice but wouldnt own one)

- hmmm going to car showrooms and let my alter ego go crazy and make them think im gunna buy a $100,000 car hehehe

in a nut shell : DRINK, BITCHES, CARS (not nessersarily in that order)

im sure i like wat most 17 year old likes i guess

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Ladies- altho im f*cken hopeless with them

..yeah...same... :mellow:

i would say "the ladies"...but the lie would catch me..as sic puts it..im retarded

Being a Ninja (as dave n andy put it)..takes up most of my after work weekly time

being a pc game geek

snowboarding...when i can


drinking..not really a hobby...just a vice

serving justice on the naughty

fitting/fixing things on sics car :P (Rarely can be arsed working on my own ride)

little bit of road cycling with my old man..hmm ,may do the taupo ride

duckshooting..any shooting really

collecting MP3s...my collection has its own HD.

quantam bs, physics crap...god...hmmm

you've got it all wrong..its all about ME


"how can the world exist if i do not...

yet once before i was born it existed..or so it claims"

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-clubbing/ bars, goes really well if u hav money or someones elses. deffinatly not when u get hit by a taxi van and beaten up twice and had to walk home from town (note' not all in the same nite) lol

crazy and make them think im gunna buy a $100,000 car hehehe

Yeah dont u owe me a night's drinks ryan? lol

u stole my fav pasttime of pretending i can actually afford the cars i look at!!- dumb arse salesmen.

was the time u got beaten up twice and walked home the time im thinkin bout??

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music is basically my life, thats it..

such as..

tool, (obviously)

pink floyd

led zep


the mars volta

smashing pumpkins



faith no more

stone temple pilots

frank zappa

john frusciante



beastie boys




sh*t theres heaps id be writing all night, i aint keen.

and i in a band - feedboxbed


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