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The most embarrassing thing you've done trying to be cool.

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Not long ago me and a mate were out socializing with some new female "friends". My matess a bar tender and he'd ordered us all drinks (some potent top shelf mix), the bar tender was pouring the drinks into a single cup and when i thought my drink was done, to prove the point about how earlier on i said i could drink my mate under the table, i quickly skulled the cup back to be the man, next thing im painting the front of the bar...I had drunk straight out of the cup the bartender was pouring the liquor in before tipping it into the blender with ice and mixers...etc...hahaha

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Another one

Scene set... loverly day in Auckland, all the girls having lunch in the park in Court House Lane... me (the idiot) on a brand new Yamaha RD350.

Had been shopping, came out ...got on the bike...gave it heaps.... wheel stand....bike came down.. OOOOoooops

Who said RD 350's had side stands ? Jack knifed me into the back of a Holden Kingswood station wagon

Rewted bike..... me ?? in hospital with balls the size of rock melons + a broken helmet

People said I flew threw the air for about 30 meters

However, I did get attention.... half a dozen of the girls ran accross to help me... and honestly... I dropped me pants in front of them because I thought I'd lost me jewels.... then I fainted

Edited by *Glenn*

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After a long day skiing, me and 3 mates retired to a backpackers in national park. The beer started flowing and I though i'd prove how tough I was by showing them my drinking skills. Turns out drinking on an empty stomach and with really bad dehydration isn't a good idea. After 8 beers i was pretty gone and I got to the point where you lose the sense of taste.

Out came the 1L bottle of Vodka, and i started skulling it (i swear it was water). Promptly spewed up my dinner (massive hamburger and chips) all over my my bunk, the bottom bunk, all over the floor and some on the table, then coma'd about 15 minutes later.

Wouldn't of been too bad, except there was an English tourist sharing the room with us. She was too polite to say anything and just pretended she was asleep. God the smell was bad though i don't know how she coped. I woke everyone up at 6.30am and we boosted the HELL OUT OF THERE before anyone could find out. Won't be returning there any time soon.

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Lol Glenn takes the cake so far! Were those sorts of incidents a regular occurance? How are you still alive... Oh and you have to tell us now how you ended up in the cells.. you know you want to :rolleyes:

Edited by Boost Junky

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Another one

Scene set... loverly day in Auckland, all the girls having lunch in the park in Court House Lane... me (the idiot) on a brand new Yamaha RD350.

Had been shopping, came out ...got on the bike...gave it heaps.... wheel stand....bike came down.. OOOOoooops

Who said RD 350's had side stands ? Jack knifed me into the back of a Holden Kingswood station wagon

Rewted bike..... me ?? in hospital with balls the size of rock melons + a broken helmet

People said I flew threw the air for about 30 meters

However, I did get attention.... half a dozen of the girls ran across to help me... and honestly... I dropped me pants in front of them because I thought I'd lost me jewels.... then I fainted

That is hillarious!!! I was laughing out loud!! love it ^_^

I tend to be gumby around good looking guys or guys i like...ummm like trip over...laugh while taking a skull of woodstock so it comes out my nose ummm smacking my toe into things :P

I do sometimes randomly say a hungarian word when not thinking straight or stutter :P

But stupid stuff have done heaps but not when i was trying to be cool :P

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 while taking a skull of woodstock

There's your problem.

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Was his nickname Wicks?

Nah was Cam. A guy from Otago somewhere. Only two Kiwis on the tour. Got to drive the bus.

sh*t Glenn. Thats some great showing off failure.

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Guest Ari Gold

I feel no shame whatsoever, so I can't really post in this thread.

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I was skateboarding down that long steep street that goes through victoria uni from kelburn and my pants got low so that when I jumped off at the bottom of the hill I couldn't run properly and just faceplanted into the footpath. That was going pretty fast too, as you can imagine.

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sh*t I wish some of you guys had these stunts on film. lol

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Excuse the novel everyone :wacko:

Had just finished school for the term holidays, went for a ride on my old road bike down a long road around where I live, saw one of those 'speed' cameras that tell you how fast your going. Being the speed demon I am, I knew I could wind up to 35kph + and see how fast I could go. Started flying about 300m up the road, managed to over balance (too far away from the camera so I didn't even see how fast I was going), then flew over the handlebars (had clip shoes in so my feet were still connected to the bike as I essentially did a somersault down the side of the road) (remember flying through the air thinking this would've been the sickest sh*t to get on camera lol), managed to get my achillies/calf on my leg to get chopped up by the big chain ring of the bike (the big gear in the middle of the bike for you bike n00bs) smashed my head on the gutter and both sides of my hips were used as brakes as I slid down the road on them and eventually landed in a crumpled heap on the side of the road. If I had have landed in the middle, more than likely would've been run over. Luckily I was wearing a helmet, it cracked in half, if I hadnt been or it hadnt been fitted properly, had a bloody good chance of getting brain damage.

Luckily a plumber in a van saw me crash, picked me up and took me home. Didn't feel to bad, just had mega cuts and scrapes and a massive gash on the back of my leg from the chain ring.

Got out of the van and started walking down the drive, and essentially went into shock/had concussion, lost my vision and I couldn't hear anything. Was so scared apparently my pupils went all dialated and looked like I was on acid lol.

To cut a already long story short (ish) no ambulances in the area so a fire engine came to my house, gave me oxygen etc to get my eyesight back etc, then spent 3 hours riding in a ambulance on the way to hospital picking far more sick people up on the way..felt like such a clown.

4 hours wait in E.D at the hospital,10 stitches in my leg later, 4 weeks of no exercise, 2 weeks of crying in the shower (no lies), scars on the back of my leg, my back (in the shape of a tar seal road) and on both hips, oh and 52+ weeks till I was brave enough to ride a bike on the road again.

Moral of the story is:

1) Always wear a helmet riding your bike, saved my life.

2) Don't be a tool and show off to essentially nobody on a bike.

3) Don't try and kill yourself before school holidays start and have to watch Days of Our Lives 2 weeks straight :wacko: when you should be out having fun.

Sorry for the long post, at least chicks dig scars ;)

Edited by Forrest

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Nathan, you're keeeen. I'm sticking to four wheels.

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Ruthless story. 2 wheels FTW.

3) Don't try and kill yourself before school holidays start and have to watch Days of Our Lives 2 weeks straight :wacko: when you should be out having fun.

Broke my hip on my bike right before the start of a holidays last year, I know what you mean. It sucks.

And I wasnt even trying to be cool, Just self pwn4ge. Oh well, I <3 my BMX.

Do lots of embarassing things, Not any really funny ones I can think of though..

Edited by Poontangsquibble

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Wholly sh*t I missed this.

Will share some tommorow when I can be bothered. Most of the old alehousers will have heard most of them.

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