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Nz Justice system

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How can someone like this get off so lightly?


Killed someone at 14, continuous abuse to women and a 3 year old child who had to be hospitalized, punches the same woman in the stomach and kills their baby. And is only jailed for six years and nine months with a minimum non-parole period of four years.

I mean come on, sure shes a stupid bitch for staying with him, but far out. Hes had enough chances. Whats going to happen when he gets out? He will change? Reform? Repent? Yeah bloody right. People don't change. Hes chosen his path and he will continue walking it.

It just really infuriates me reading these articles, media exaggeration or not. Because I know this sh*t happens. Everyday. And the perpetrators get off so lightly. So lightly!

I'm all for a 3 strike system. Criminal cleansing if you will. Commit the same crime 3 times, and you get the full brunt of the law.. In the face. Ie, in this situation: He is an obvious violent repeat offender, I don't think 4 years in Jail will help him. He's had to many chances to change, to do things differently. Either strap him down and brainwash the violence out of him, or lock him up for life. Sure it will cost taxpayers money, but Id rather fund him in Jail than fund his dole, and or the costs of damages he does to other people.

Argh. What can you do? Except Rant. sh*t

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I agree, he is getting off lightly. But the way i see it, if he got a longer sentence when he got out he wouldnt be able to handle the real world, hence would re-offend so he could go back to his comfortable 3 meal a day with sky tv existance... anyone who comes out of prison from a violent crime, and has no future on the outside is the same... they cant be rehabilitated because they aren't suited to the real world anymore anyway.

So it's really a lose/lose situation... short sentence, or significantly higher chance of re-offending...

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He is an Islander that beats women, id say the 80% Maori occupancy in jail will sort him out, harden him up a bit for the next unfortunate women that he hooks up with in four years.

Bimmersport’s female islander community look out!

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Ah after that big rant I realised it was not the same guy. Just another piece of sh*t that should be put down like an animal.

Edited by driftit

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Ahem Capital Punishment comes to mind....

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Well, yeah. But NZ is such a peaceful country compared to others, even with dicks like this on the street. Id hate it to fall into America status with capital punishment (even though Im all for the death sentence!). But if the thugs don't fear the law, unfortunately the Law will need to take measures to be feared.

I don't think people like this will reform until they actually do fear the law

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He is an Islander that beats women, id say the 80% Maori occupancy in jail will sort him out, harden him up a bit for the next unfortunate women that he hooks up with in four years.

Although he has been to prison before, i think what he needs is softening up...both in a lovie dovie way and a good beat down...

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This thread seems to have been titled with a misnomer. NZ does not actually have a justice system, what we use instead is a legal system.

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I love the justice system, i was given a 150$ to pay to charity for fraud.

Gotta love diversion :)

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How low and messed up do you have to be to do these kind of acts? Who could physically abuse a woman and/or small child?

Beyond me

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8 months old too.. Its just plain sick. f**ked up sick

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if we implemented the three strikes system we would get the same problem america has no room in prison for them all

if we implemented capital punishment it would make the country look bad

i think the solution is to give rights back to the cops and take them off criminals

i.e. if the cops have to come get you their bringing an ass whooping with them

seriously batton to the shins would straighten them out

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3 strikes, make a private super prison on stewart island, introduce death penalty for worst offenders (serial rapist, serial murders, greenies wanting to abolish motorsport)

life in prison = min 40 yrs no chance of parole

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I reckon introduce death races

Using confiscated boy racers cars! Death Races instead of Crushing... 

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Using confiscated boy racers cars! Death Races instead of Crushing... 

OMG yes! Especially for the greenies that want to ban motorsport!

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I really think were onto something here!!

Now to get Key to agree..


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It costs around $65K a year to keep some one in a NZ prison.

We have children that go to school without shoes in winter and hungry from no breakfast and we allow pieces of Sh!t like this to get full medical care, 3 square meals a day and a dry warm bed?

He has beaten a woman so badly that her unborn child was killed. He is a baby killer.

One bullet to the back of the head, recuperate the cost of the execution by selling his body to science faculties across the country.

I am sick and tired of the roaches of society getting away with inhuman acts. Delete them from the gene pool.

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Would it be nice, currently they are only Ctrl/Alt/Deleting them from the gene pool and they are simply re booting and causing the same old problems...kinda like my Acer laptop :lol:

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OMG yes! Especially for the greenies that want to ban motorsport!

WHAAT!!!! When did they wanna do this???

If they ever get their way we can always seek revenge by Racing Chainsaws and cut down all the trees.

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