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Is anyone else as daft as me ?

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Lol - exactly. My g/f's parts e30 is a classic example.

Her: This guy wants such and such part - will pay $xx.xx.

Me: Oh - I might need that for my e30. Better not sell it. I'll make it up to you....

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I just brought some more parts for the replacement e30 I havn't even brought yet to go with the other massive pile of bits lying in my garage :wacko:

Am I normal?

I hope I am.

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You can NEVER, EVER have too many spares, or projects, or parts to fit, FACT! When I left the UK I had garages full of car bits that I got rid of on eBay, plus bits I brought over with me (which are still in the shipping boxes :D ).

Now with the race car, and the intention of smartening up the 'vert I am collecting parts (and cars at a reasonable rate) now in need of more room, even though I have a double garage, a shed and a big drive. Currently talking to a builder about adding another double garage on the section (why did I let the Mrs talk me out of a lifestyle with loads of sheds??).

I have a brand new, Genuine BMW chrome rear bumper end which I bought as it was cheap, but is still in the packing as I don't want to fit it to the car so it gets dirty :lol:

Buying bits before you get the car is Ok, you have to buy things when they come up, you can never find things at all when you "need" them.

Maybe we need to start a support group, HA - Hoarders Annonymous? B)

I moved to a "lifestyle" so I had room to collect!

Now I just have to build that barn ha.

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Anyone else buy things they dont need....just because they like them and they are there, or even under the delusion that maybe one day they will buy a car to fit them too?

Yup... for me.

* ZF 6 speed gearbox (stopped myself actually buying this) for the e46 .. It was brand new and the guys wanted only $2200 for it :( regret it now.

* 2nd set of BBS LM's @ 8.5 front and 9.5 rear 18inch 5x114.3 PDC for the e30 (already have 18inch 120x5 LMs on it already) (bought these with the intent of converting them to 120x5) still deciding weather too convert them to this or put them on Brendons GSR and convert it to 5 stud and wide body it. :D

Other sh*t along the way where I thought it would be cool but ended up wasting few hundred $$$ making my mind up.

What gets me is I see something for an awesome price and just have to get it.

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Guest Simon*

I am in danger of becoming a wheelwhore in my own right

and I seem to be collecting ipods. Only some of which I have fixed :D

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