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McDonalds scam

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Link dont work.

Your right... and I've deleted it now and cleared my trash as well

Anyway... its a scam offerring a $50 voucher and asks for credit card details & pin number

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Because they'd told me Id get 18.6 billion dollars if I logged in and sent them $5000 dollars to clear the funds first.

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It's so obviously bullshit though, Full of spelling errors and so many obvious giveaways..

..Some people...

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You obviously have never inheirted a fortune from Nigeria

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or have 1billion held at customs fedex wonts $100 in freight charges.... seriously makes you wonder wot kinda person falls for it?

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hey guys ive got a container load of M1 BMW's coming from overseas but i need $100k to pay for shipping and other cost's such as tax, if you lend me $10k I can give you an M1 as repayment. :) pinky promise

but seriously MSN messenger/hotmail is closing down unless you ford this email to 10 people on your contact list to show that you still use you account.

hahaha, but seriously old people fall for these kinda things all the time and when it comes to them realizing its happened they are usually to ashamed to tell anyone, good on you glen :P

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Haha get them all the time. When selling cars and stuff, would get emails from random emails saying:

"hi there seller, I really appreciated your car would much like to purchusing it. I don't know what to offering you but if I send you a cheque for 10k you can sending me the rest back after I recieve it. etc etc"

Anyway, they WILL send you a cheque for 10k and you send them the remainder or whatever and by the time you've done this,the cheque has bounced and you fail.

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can you put me in contact with them, got a e30 shell in the driveway i want to get rid of :P

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Sure,I'll send you a cheque for 10k and you send me the change back.


Edited by Indecorous

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Haha get them all the time. When selling cars and stuff, would get emails from random emails saying:

"hi there seller, I really appreciated your car would much like to purchusing it. I don't know what to offering you but if I send you a cheque for 10k you can sending me the rest back after I recieve it. etc etc"

Anyway, they WILL send you a cheque for 10k and you send them the remainder or whatever and by the time you've done this,the cheque has bounced and you fail.

Could just bank the cheque an no refund monies??

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lolz, any seen that fonejacker show with that guy acting as a nigerian scam artist (George Agdgdgwngo)?

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Could just bank the cheque an no refund monies??

They bounce... always.

Think there was a thing about it on closeup not so long ago.

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