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Help Please from some computer whizz

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Mines all crapped out as well and I cant see the advertising... I can hardly read the Forum page

Edited by *Glenn*

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Mines all crapped out as well and I cant see the advertising... I can hardly read the Forum page

Time to bring in the experts now methinks.

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Everyone. Cack. Not my fault this time as I had given up trying to fix original problem.

I just had a quick look to see if its an easy fix, but it's outside my expertise, and I don't want to touch what I don't know. Workaround fo rnow is hold down CTRL and press the plus symbol on your keyboard.

Hopefully Josh or Cliff can just rebuild the forum skin or whatever it is thats gone awry and it'll be back in business.

Look what you did Brian!!! (kidding).

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Jaysus, the fonts tiny !

Its almost worth logging in every five minutes just to see whats going on !!

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Yeah shes humour central round ere HA

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WTF, fonts changed.

Just me or everyone???

Changed for me too.

Looks cool-ish though, ha.

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lol I thought I may have accidentally changed the text size setting on my computer

guess not lol

was the time in 24 hour setting before?

I'm sure it was ... either that or I am going senile lol

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sorry about that guys.

Got locked out of website ACP and had to un-integrate and re-integrate the forum software to get back in, it overwrote the forum header file in the process.

all back to normal now.

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Dammit that sounded exciting... and i missed it

edit: re-read my post an realised just how lame my life is atm

Edited by ///MICHAEL

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All fixed now ?? :rolleyes: for how long ??

Oooops... not yet....no banner

Edited by *Glenn*

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I only have two topics in the 'Whats on" section so it's not quite right yet.

Maybe tomorrow.

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Wats on in the forum is stil not working?

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