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Funny Work Applicants

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Anyone here had any funny requests from people that are looking for work?

We get about 4 or 5 CV's every day,not that we are looking for workers but still take them anyway.

Anywho, some of the stuff people write is ridiculous!

Had a young guy write on his CV under the "qualifications" part.

"NCEA level one nearly passed, Credits in level 2 -not passed, credits in level 3-not passed."

Another guy had under his skills part.

Lifting heavy stuff.

Had another guy come in after being asked back for an interview. He was about 35 and his mother dropped him off. He was an hour early so he sat outside the shop and chainsmoked atleast a pack of smokes. When he finally came in, he took his jacket off and was wearing that fat kids t shirt that says "I f**k on the first date".


There must be more out there...

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I guess there is a reason why they don't already have a job aye?

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The old gump with the shirt used to work at a bar. Got fired for "smacking the sh*t out of a drunk asian".

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At my old job we used to have people come in everyday to.

Had one guy come in and fill out our application form, under license wrote Class 1 Restricted, then after handing it in, drove off with his mate in the car. Straight to shredder for that one.

Edited by antony

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I had one - looked the part, had a good CV, well presented and spoken, ticked all the boxes.

Had 2 references from previous employers listed. As is our policy I asked if I could ring them. He said no problem.

Rang both of them. One told me he was great for the first 2 months then started to not turn up frquently without ringing first, would disappear for days at a time and when returned blamed "family reasons".

The other said much the same thing except after a couple of months he just disappeared along with all of his company-issued gear. Never to be seen again.

Why would you supply those references? Seriously?

Lesson - always ring the referees, especially previous employers. We hired a guy who had a really good verbal reference from a previous employer instead. Was probably the best guy we ever had. Unfortunately the $$$ in Australia caused him to jump the ditch after about a year, but he let us know he was thinking about it long before he left, so no biggie.

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We had an Indian guy come in to Burgerfuel and he kept on talking on about how he really wanted to BurgerKing because he loved the burgers, and loved the atmosphere.

Not quite as funny as the above ones but I found it amusing at the time.

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Why would you supply those references? Seriously?

My Old Boss gave on of the most useless idiots a outstanding referance...

Just to get rid of him...

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We had an Indian guy come in to Burgerfuel and he kept on talking on about how he really wanted to BurgerKing because he loved the burgers, and loved the atmosphere.

Not quite as funny as the above ones but I found it amusing at the time.

Lol thats awesome.

Also had an indian guy come in, drove his taxi in. His previous work experience was self emplyoed taxi driver. The manager said "We really need someone with more retail/sales experience".

He said "They are pretty much the same thing"

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taken down to swap for edited version haha

Edited by nath

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Lol thats awesome.

Also had an indian guy come in, drove his taxi in. His previous work experience was self emplyoed taxi driver. The manager said "We really need someone with more retail/sales experience".

He said "They are pretty much the same thing"

hahahah some people just have no idea. I couldn't believe that though calling Burgerking and Burgerfuel the same thing. I was like I can't believe you just called us Burgerking.

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Yep, from one of the 'big 4' accountants

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Edit: i AM that stupid, thought i had added the edited version- taken down for second while i reload edited one

Edited by nath

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Bro its all over the internet already. With the same name

oh k ill re add the original- 'bro'.

i have the original email forwarded to me from KPMG who use them

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LOL thats hard to beat.

One guy applying at a canal-side restaurant I managed on the Gold Coast wrote in the 'why would you like to work at ______'s' section "cause I just want to cruise & check out all the tits".

Didnt get a job but have to admit I liked his style.

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"Anyway, congratulations Zing, you've got the job!

Please be on the corner of K Road and Queen Street at 3am Saturday morning. Company uniform will fishnet stockings, miniskirt, and halter top. For your first assignment, you will be undercover as a call girl, and your code name will be Egg Foo Yong.

Another agent will approach you, a man, he will mention a special code phrase to you. The code phrase is " How much baby". When he says this to you, hop into his vehicle with him and commence further communications.

Please report after completion of the assignment.

Welcome aboard special agent Egg Foo Yong."

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I wonder if the two people involved will get a lot of emails (from fans and haters) now that their addresses are published on all those sites

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Iv got a few but cant tell them :(

Damn NDA's

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