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Barking Dogs

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Neighbours on the left - 2 yappy little dogs that go nuts every time someone walks past their house, or I go outside, or the neighbours themselves go outside - annoying as heck

Neighbours behind me - 1 yappy dog that goes off every time the other neighbours' yappy dogs goes nuts

and then the neighbours to the right of me - this one is the worst

it is a very big, black, menacing looking dog (it is seriously huge - looks like a stereotypical junkyard dog you would see in a movie)

this dog has a very loud and menacing bark

it barks at EVERYTHING

no exaggeration, it literally barks at anything that moves

to top it off, their fence and gate is one of those low rider fences that a 3 year old could jump over with no trouble

I'm absolutely amazed that it hasn't jumped the fence and attacked anyone yet

so, apart from feeding these dogs chocolate (I do not want to harm the dogs in anyway), what solutions are there?

I have tried talking to all the neighbours with dogs, only one of them (the one down the back with 1 yappy dog) said he would try to do something about it (the dog is now mostly kept inside, and he said he has been taking it to training), but any time it is outside, it goes off when the other dogs go off. It bothers me but at least the owner is trying to do something about it.

The other 2 neighbours both told me to harden the f**k up and get over it.

I've rung the council and they said that no-one else has complained, so they're not going to do anything about it. Absolute rubbish attitude, makes me wonder why I pay rates to them aholes. Of course no-one else has complained, everyone else has dogs that are doing the exact same thing.

Noise control told me it's not their problem (again, why do I pay rates?)

A mate of mine suggested I feed all the dogs laxatives, even if it doesn't shut them up it should make a nice mess for the owners

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Investigate bark collars, swing buy a pet shop and see how much they are and get a brochure. They zap the the dog when they bark, take them to the neighbours or leave in the mailbox, or offer to buy them yourself.

Hugely frustrating this half the reason I love rurally now, still heaps of dogs around here though, but hardly hear them really.

The other options is debarking, a vet surgical procedure which I reackon the council should pay for as part of the large dog fee's they charge, for when a dog is complained about.

Yelling shut up never works either.

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Go out one night when the dogs are barking, get as close as you can and record the noise on your phone or MP3 player or whatever.

Then wait a couple of nights, put your stereo speakers out side, pointing at the neighbour's house with the yappy dog in question, then play the recording back on a loop.

If they come round and complain - tell them, "it's not nice to listen to is it? Now, harden the f#$k up!" They might take the hint?

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without trying to sound like a d*ck i kind of see your other neibours p.o.v i mean they are dogs and dogs do bark not too much you can do to change that. but i get where your coming from with the annoyance thing. i think your neibour at the back has done the right thing and perhaps the others should do the same? after all you are entitled to have a peacefull and quiet house and at the same time your neighbours are entitled to have dogs, its just something you will all have to come to some mutual agreement with as niether one of you are doing anything wrong.

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it is persistent barking, not just once in a while (which I could tolerate)

the attitudes from the neighbours was rather poor though

they're basically just shrugging it off as if there isn't any issue

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Gun and bullets!

Although I suspect that this might land you in a spot of bother, so I don't advise this as an actual course of action.

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I/we have the same problem except the neighbour with the barking dogs is a cop. He is a nice guy and the dogs aren't bad dogs, they are just loud and want to eat my rabbit.


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I had the same problem with a little yapping dog over our back hedge that would always bark when anyone is in our back yard...i got an app for my iphone called dog whistle which you can adjust the frequency too piss the dog off, i hooked it up to my stereo and played it through that when the dog barked. BOOM it stopped making noise and then whenever it started up again i would play it and it would shut up...our problem solved, but im sure you can find similar thing on the net.

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I had the same problem with a little yapping dog over our back hedge that would always bark when anyone is in our back yard...i got an app for my iphone called dog whistle which you can adjust the frequency too piss the dog off, i hooked it up to my stereo and played it through that when the dog barked. BOOM it stopped making noise and then whenever it started up again i would play it and it would shut up...our problem solved, but im sure you can find similar thing on the net.

Nice work!

This well and truly trumps my gun and bullets suggestion.

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as a responsible dog owner ...... it's my responsibility to control my dog.

You really need to get the owners on your side, explain how this affects you and hopefully they understand.

There will be a instigator, the first one to bark. You need to start there.

There are various things you can do, proper training for a voice command to be silent. Once one stops the others will too.

It's hard when it's not your dog I know.

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We had a similar problem. Council told us to journal the barking i.e. when it started and stopped. Owner was told to take some action to control their dogs. Owner went to all the other neighbours and had them sign something saying the dogs didnt annoy them. We were right next to the dogs everyone else was a long way from the problem. We insisted the council check for themslves. They sent dog control to monitor the barking. Owner told to sort it out. After a few more calls to council owner told to sort it out or lose the dogs. Problem solved. Dogs bark occassionally, but are removed from stimulas when owner goes out.

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I/we have the same problem except the neighbour with the barking dogs is a cop. He is a nice guy and the dogs aren't bad dogs, they are just loud and want to eat my rabbit.


Let the dog have the rabbit Peter :P

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right, I am now quite certain that the dogs on both sides only act like this when their owners aren't home

the yappy dogs are usually kept inside when their owners are home, and I think it must be the same with the big menacing dog

both neighbours are home now and what do ya know, peace and quiet

I talked with a mate who has a big mofo dog, he said that the problem is most likely that the dogs are bored when their owners aren't around

he suggested chucking a chew toy over the fence to see if that helps

I think when I am feeling better I will go over to both uncooperative neighbours and try talking with them again

if all else fails, I will go with the suggestions of playing barking noises and / or the dog whistle at them through the stereo

I'm also going to talk with some other neighbours to see if they are annoyed about this but haven't complained to the council or the offending neighbours

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I did the same thing as Gavin. Our neighbor has a bark at everything dog also. This does not work well as they are over the road from a school. Dog scares the crap out of the Primary School kids as they walk past.

They then got a second dog. All it did was rark up the first dog to no end. Called the council and they sent around someone to check the mutts out. They agreed with me that the dogs were a problem. The owners were informed and only given one chance to sort it out. Few days later one dog was gone. They must have taken some action to keep the original a bit quieter, as it only barks at the school kids and not all day now.

We have a new puppy ourselves. And it is a yappy dog. So we are putting some effort into training her to not bark so much. This can take a ton of time and I could imagine most people would give up.

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I'm glad to see that there are some responsible owners out there :)

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IMO it's 99% the owners fault. It used to drive me up the wall, I used to work nightshift come home and in bed at about 7am for them to start barking all friggen day. I approached the owners who said they'd sort it which it did stop then started back up again. We complained to the council and it turned out werent the only ones that complained and the council stepped in. At the end of the day it's just plain rudeness and f**ken arrogance to expect your neighbors to put up with your mongrel dogs barking.

I have heard of people actually taking harsh action & poisoning meat and chucking it over the fence. Problem solved. I can see why someone would do it almost, not something I would do but I guess if you've had no sleep from barking dogs, anything is possible. Sleep deprivation does harsh things to the body & mind!

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I think the reason why I'm the only one who has complained to the council (who after another phone call today, will be sending a letter to the owner) is because all the other neighbours have dogs too :(

I've always wanted a bigger place and a garage, maybe it's finally time to make the move

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my dog is a barker. shes one of those sausage dogs that barks more than it bites. but i got her under control. never barks unless someone knocks at the door. even outside shes quiet never barks unless a car pulls in the driveway. just a big shhh and she stops. just dont get how people dont control their dogs.

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good stuff, that's all it takes is training and responsibility

unfortunately, like common sense, responsibility is rather rare these days

Edited by Wom

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Set up an ultrasonic animal repeller on the fence? haha.

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I think the reason why I'm the only one who has complained to the council (who after another phone call today, will be sending a letter to the owner) is because all the other neighbours have dogs too :(

I've always wanted a bigger place and a garage, maybe it's finally time to make the move

Could be the hard facts of it unfortunately. This could go round & round in circles and feel like you're a foreigner in your own place. If it's bad enough and you are thinking of moving this could be a great time.

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I have two large dogs that bark like mad, our neighbors don't complain, one is actually quite happy as they help foil the attempted robbery of his work van outside his house.

I find the sound of children annoying, I rang the council to see if they could remove the ones next door but they have yet to do anything about it. Luckily my house is brick and is well insulated so the children noises are easily closed out.

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I find the sound of children annoying,

You wouldn't want to live anywhere near me. Mine are f**king loud, and I encourage it. Nothing worse than a kid that is not free to be themselves.

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Thats correct, I wouldn't want to live anywhere near you Grant :P

Im sure a parent loves the sound of their own kids.

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