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Road Rage Remedy

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Yea I read it. I have been in a similar situation when being confronted with an angry person wheeling a steering lock, I gave the car enough of a rev that he moved but it was close...

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I know a guy, who, a couple of years ago ended up in the ER after road rage. Nobody knows what exactly either of them did but a truck driver blocked this guy's path and forced him to stop, got out of the truck and ripped this guy from his car and gave him a right old bashing. Even had enough rage in him to keep kicking and stomping once he was on the ground, KO'd.

Moral of the story, don't stop for anyone if they angrily indicate for you to do so.

Makes me wonder if the driver of the Saab was frightened and panicked and mashed the throttle without thinking to get away.

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I find driving to the nearest Police station parking out side and blasting your horn does wonders for getting rid of tossers with attitudes.

And no it doesn't happen often just the twice SO FAR :D

Also works wonders for female hitchhickers that say "take me to ....... or I will say you attacked me"

Yes that has happened to me

Edited by sp8s

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It was a Breaking article on the 3 News website..


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Only one person has ever got out of a car to as a result of road road when HE cut me off and I had a horn-bash on him. Next set of lights he gets out of the car and abuses the hell out of me and tells me to pull over. Then he runs a red light to catch up to me again whilst telling me to pull over. Nerve-racking stuff.

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never touch another man's automobile.

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confronted with an angry person wheeling a steering lock,

Not too ashamed to admit that I have done that very thing, if someone wants to drive in such a way as to put my life at risk I am not going to back down..was in the UK though so I hope it wasn't you Graham.

Also had my jaw broken here in NZ after a "discussion" with a van driver who tried to knock me off my bike.

I guess my Anger Management lessons didn't work that well <_< !

Will be interesting to see the outcome of this case in Auckland, be even more interesting to know the full story.

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May have been my English cousin, I hear he is King of the road in the UK, good possibility you were in his way.

The rage I get is from self righteous people who feel they can block the road if they are doing the speed limit or feel that their desired cornering speed and pace is the perfect speed and no one should pass them.

Thank god for Turbo’s.

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i was with a friend driving though the hutt last year sometime when approached by this guy (ray anuka) spelling? he is the local pfry wanna be gangster that drives around with his lil crew and basically helps himself to any car he so wishes, he pulled infront of my friend oneday and forced him to stop, got out and started walking tward the car with some kind of pole or something, so my friend just drove straight at him, he kinda jumped over the bonnet/off the side, and we kept on driving. only time something like that has happened for me.

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a couple of mates were driving over the Rimutaka's to go see another mate in Masterton

they were getting tailgated and full beamed by a guy in a BA Falcon ute

so my mate did some creative driving, couldn't lose the Falcon though

they get over the hill and pull over to have a "chat" with the Falcon driver

but instead the Falcon driver just came at my mate, wildly swung at him

my mate ducked it, and his passenger ran around and king hit the Falcon driver, broke his nose in one hit and they took off

cops talked to my mates a couple of weeks later, but no charges were ever laid

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I had a Honda driver who didn't take too kindly to being overtaken, especially by a shitty old BMW.

Took 3 hours of driving before he gave up the close tailgating.

A couple of weeks back I witnessed a fella on a scooter have a bottle thrown at him from a riced up WRX,

Dual lanes on the main st of Dunedin, I was behind the guy on the scooter

Pull up to the next set of lights, guy on the scooter gets off beside the WRX ( he is wearing a full faced helmet) and starts yelling at the guy who threw the bottle, guy who threw it gets out of the WRX and obviously completely pissed starts chest pounding like he wants a go, fella on the scooter easily dodges a swing and with a single punch knocks this guy out, unfortunately the fella landed full on his scooter pushing it over in front of my car.

Carload who were still in the WRX didn't know what to do, the lights went green, im stuck with a scooter and some drunk knocked out in front of my car, the guys in the WRX don't know if they should fight back or drag their mate out of the road.

They ended up exchanging words with this guy and dragging their mate off and back into the car before "boosting" it up the hill at high speeds

Guy on the scooter calmly gets back on, lights change, everyone goes their separate ways

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Awesome, I hope no damage was done to the SAAB.


That'll learn him.

Another thing which is slightly off topic but involves running people down all the same, is when those f**kwit "crazy bro's" (ya'll know what I mean here) cross the road in front of you and walk at a snails pace and stare at you like "I'm tough"...

Bitch, please...

My 1300kg car > your 90kg worthless waste of oxygen.

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Another thing which is slightly off topic but involves running people down all the same, is when those f**kwit "crazy bro's" (ya'll know what I mean here) cross the road in front of you and walk at a snails pace and stare at you like "I'm tough"...

Bitch, please...

My 1300kg car > your 90kg worthless waste of oxygen.

or when it's the middle of the nights and they're walking down the middle of the road drunk as

and they don't bother moving

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That'll learn him.

Another thing which is slightly off topic but involves running people down all the same, is when those f**kwit "crazy bro's" (ya'll know what I mean here) cross the road in front of you and walk at a snails pace and stare at you like "I'm tough"...

Bitch, please...

My 1300kg car > your 90kg worthless waste of oxygen.

Worst part is, you hit them & you will be charged with it. NZ Law for ya.

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That'll learn him.

Another thing which is slightly off topic but involves running people down all the same, is when those f**kwit "crazy bro's" (ya'll know what I mean here) cross the road in front of you and walk at a snails pace and stare at you like "I'm tough"...

Bitch, please...

My 1300kg car > your 90kg worthless waste of oxygen.

Love it, I often say the same thing, living on the same road as work and income, staunch karnts are always stepping to my car, amazing how high the rear end of a car bounces over a unemployed persons leg/foot, more amazing the determination to run after a car after being hit by it, now if only the fellow put as much effort into getting a job....or crossing the road in the first place ;)

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That'll learn him.

Another thing which is slightly off topic but involves running people down all the same, is when those f**kwit "crazy bro's" (ya'll know what I mean here) cross the road in front of you and walk at a snails pace and stare at you like "I'm tough"...

Bitch, please...

My 1300kg car > your 90kg worthless waste of oxygen.

its amazing how quick they move when you chop 2nd floor it and get a little screech of the tyres and drive right at them.. ;)

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Love it, I often say the same thing, living on the same road as work and income, staunch karnts are always stepping to my car, amazing how high the rear end of a car bounces over a unemployed persons leg/foot, more amazing the determination to run after a car after being hit by it, now if only the fellow put as much effort into getting a job....or crossing the road in the first place ;)

Haha love your work

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