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i8 Spyder to enter production in 2015

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Where do BMW see that being marketed to - hairdressers that swing the wrong way or what...............?? Maybe pics aren't doing it justice, dunno........... :rolleyes:

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^^iSee what you did there.

I wouldn't bank on seeing this go into production in 2015, or possibly at all... which would be a real shame as it is a pretty fantastic looking car.

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I wouldn't bank on seeing this go into production in 2015, or possibly at all... which would be a real shame as it is a pretty fantastic looking car.

It does look as though it may be delayed, although that's for technical reasons. Autocar UK seems to have an inside source at BMW who has confirmed there are challenges in chopping the roof off the i8 and retaining rigidity.

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^^ why would you? The 6 cyl diesel is a great motor, but the i8 is Supercar fast as it is. One of our guys was at the test track in Munich going pretty much flat out in the new M6 when an i8 went zooming past!

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