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Valentine One Radar Dectector

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Just recently I noticed my Radar Detector has not been picking up the camera van's on the side of the motorway - its picking up cop's car etc so the unit is still working

Am wondering if i am blocking a frequency that they have changed too or something

If you are using a Valentine One and speed camera van's are being picked up - would you mind sharing your settings


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The cops have gone to K band for cameras. The only realistic option is to go for a GPS enabled radar that operates K band but eliminates all the false alarms on K band (electric doors etc). The best is the Escort 9500 series.

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My V1 still picked them up on Dec 30th.

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The cops have gone to K band for cameras. The only realistic option is to go for a GPS enabled radar that operates K band but eliminates all the false alarms on K band (electric doors etc). The best is the Escort 9500 series.

K band....ahh crap so many false alerts....

My V1 still picked them up on Dec 30th.

Do you have K Band on?

Mind sharing your Programme mode settings:


They way i had my valentine one setup was it only really reported actual events - and not false otherwise you will start ignoring it and then get caught out :S

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I haven't played with it at all. I thought they picked up k anyway, and it doesn't give that many falsies really. But then I don't use it round town. X band is bad for door openers etc. I'll check it against that link.

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yes. all correct. Since the cops went to digital camera's in the van's they changed from Ka to K band for them.

I have my V1 still set to block X & K band as i'd rather know that if it beeps I hit the middle pedal.

False alarms help no-one.

Besides. Most of the van's are easily spotted and don't come with demerits.

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Like MJH said, the GPS-enabled 9500 is a great option. It will be my next radar purchase (or it's successor product!)

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The other good thing with the 9500 is that it has a database of all fixed speed cameras and it gives you warnings as you approach them.

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mine hasnt been wuite so good on the mobile ones either, seems to be the Hyundai iLoad vans it doesnt pick up, maybe they have different gear in them to the usual Mitsi L300s etc.

I use mine every day in the work van, havent been pulled up in it yet or had a ticket, but i dont want the risk of it being taken off me if i get a ticket in it!

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What version is the V1? My V1 is 1.85, I always have it on "A" and have never had false alarms.

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I think the advice to buy a new radar because of this change isn't really what he was asking.

What version is the V1? My V1 is 1.85, I always have it on "A" and have never had false alarms.

A - just means power on - all bogy mode. - mine says this too. and I have two band's disabled and never get any false alerts.

You need to enter program mode to check what is enabled & disabled.


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thanks for the replies guys

Mine is set at advanced logic mode ( L )

Going to turn on K band and see how bad it is - i do quite a bit of city driving so will be interesting to see how many "false" alerts pop

will let you know how i get on

I know the valentine is getting a bit old , but i love being able to know if the target is in front of me, rear, side etc

its been a trusted unit/units that has pretty much worked in the ~10 years of driving around

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Turned on K band....and got so many false alerts - it was useless around towns etc

Basically turned K band off and will need to keep an eye out for the vans parked on the side of the motorways :S

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As mentioned above if you get the Escort 9500 it won't be an issue.

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I just got one of these. Saved my ass on the way home, got around 200 meters warning for a cop hiding on the northwestern with what ill assume was a handheld laser.

So just set K, Ka, laser and all the rest can stay off? And the "K" will go off a lot around town? Mways are fine though?


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I thought the police went back to low power x band for their vans?

Either way the radar emitter from a van has a very narrow beam spread and low power because they're so close to the road/target. Very hard to pick up as usually there is not much scatter.

When it comes to vans .. Not too worried. Will get annoyed at the cost of ticket but better than demerits. And since all the cars blast out ka band wiiide .. Easy to pick up. Laser .. Bad luck

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I just got one of these. Saved my ass on the way home, got around 200 meters warning for a cop hiding on the northwestern with what ill assume was a handheld laser.

So just set K, Ka, laser and all the rest can stay off? And the "K" will go off a lot around town? Mways are fine though?


Turn K off. It's not used by any law enforcement you will just be picking up civilian garbage.

I have mine just ka & laser. As mentioned new camera van's use X band but you will generally see the van before the radar goes off due to it's narrow beam & angle.

That way if it beeps you can train yourself to tap the brakes.

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Turn K off. It's not used by any law enforcement you will just be picking up civilian garbage.


I have mine just ka & laser. As mentioned new camera van's use X band but you will generally see the van before the radar goes off due to it's narrow beam & angle.


That way if it beeps you can train yourself to tap the brakes.

Any material to back up that k band is no longer used by the police? Most of my falses are k band alerts ..

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K is used by mobile speed cameras

Again .. Do you have a source? Just hear say in her so far

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I know this is quite an old thread, however I got a V1 as an early birthday present and figured that since everybody here has a V1, it would be a good place to ask questions regarding it.

I was curious what your views on Ka guard are. (#6 in programming mode). I've heard it increases range, and sensitivity a wee bit for I/O radar. In the US however they keep it on because they get a lot of Ka falses from Cobra and other cheap detectors with it off.

I'm going to try with it off - Do the cops here use I/O? Has anyone had experience with Ka guard off?


Edit: Am running only Ka and L on, with K and X off. I want to know that when it goes off, it's a cop but I also want to get the best range out of it

Edited by Kepes

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Just replying to those older posts... But x band is not used, turn it off. K band is used by mobile speed cameras, but will get lots of falses in town from door openers, I turn it off around town.

Ka is used by cops, so is laser.

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K band is used by speed cameras the van ones but they have a very narrow beam and low power and usually point towards things that don't bounce the signal well like concrete barriers. You're lucky if you pick up a van camera k band signal. Otherwise you'll be constantly bothered by normal k band use with automatic doors etc so most people turn it off. Those cams are 22deg offset from the road and very hard to pick up. The only good thing is no demerits if you can afford the ticket fine.

Police car radar works on KA band and is a very strong signal. Any decent detector should see it from over 1km away depending on line of sight and the terrain. Rarely used as automatic door openers .. Think maybe the frequency even might be restricted by local authorities.

Laser at 905nm is definitely restricted but also high powered so you should see that coming. If you're not in a group of cars when laser alert comes on you're most likely out of luck. If you're worried about laser there are illegal options but will let Google help you with that.

PS. I do not condone speeding. Any comments are for info only.

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K band is used by speed cameras the van ones but they have a very narrow beam and low power and usually point towards things that don't bounce the signal well like concrete barriers. You're lucky if you pick up a van camera k band signal. Otherwise you'll be constantly bothered by normal k band use with automatic doors etc so most people turn it off. Those cams are 22deg offset from the road and very hard to pick up. The only good thing is no demerits if you can afford the ticket fine.

Police car radar works on KA band and is a very strong signal. Any decent detector should see it from over 1km away depending on line of sight and the terrain. Rarely used as automatic door openers .. Think maybe the frequency even might be restricted by local authorities.

Laser at 905nm is definitely restricted but also high powered so you should see that coming. If you're not in a group of cars when laser alert comes on you're most likely out of luck. If you're worried about laser there are illegal options but will let Google help you with that.

PS. I do not condone speeding. Any comments are for info only.

I have a STI magnum and it picks up the new camera vans on K band from a pretty good distance, but I usually see them first anyway. Door openers set off on K, I usually leave it disabled.

Never had any falses on KA, always been a cop.

Laser is very directional and likely you wont detect it unless you are been targeted.

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Laser is very directional and likely you wont detect it unless you are been targeted

Right, and if you're lucky you'll pick up some scatter from any cars just in front of you that are targeted. Only if you're really lucky though. I think some people always make sure they're behind a car when speeding, they refer to them as a 'rabbit'

I don't intend to speed with the V1, what bugs me is 95% of people who travel at 90km/h on a single lane road also speed up to over 100km/h at passing lanes. I firmly believe that overtaking should be done as quickly as possible and now it can without getting ticketed

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