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Guest Ari Gold

Phone choice

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Guest Spargo

Got really hammered on Sunday nite, and managed to not only drop my phone but then kick it down a storm water drain.

I have a 25% off at vodafone, and thus am looking at these:

Sony V800


Nokia thing

Or, I could go parallel, I like these 2 phones alot:

Gus / Andy phone

Tron's Penis

What do OT recommend I buy?

I've just come from Sony Erricson, fyi.

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Guest Andrew

Don't get my phone

Symbian is retardedly slow - it crashes (LOTS) - its basically a P.O.S. Takes longer to boot than my laptop.

I'm just about to upgrade to either

Nokia 6625 (symbian again) or HTC Apache (Windows Pocket OS 5) - both which work a lot better (and will be a sh*t load faster on Telecom's network)

Heard good things about the Razr - classy looking phone.

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The 3G razr is slightly larger than the original razr but is still a seriously slim and classy phone. Can get these cheap through parallel now.

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I would avoid 3G if you can. too big, poor coverage, poor battery.

My mate took that razr back after 2 days. Shitty UI. (all moto).

If you want a smart phone i dont really know them, but Treo 650 is popular.

Hard to beat k750i/w800, no 3g though.

If i needed 3G id consider the samsung (z500?). Though i have heard poor battery life.

Panasonics VS series are pretty good. Awesome screens. Pretty simple though.

Six months and some really hot phones are comng. Like that samsung with 8gig HDD and the new SE phones.

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If you are buying it as a toy - ie not for business, just get a cheap one and buy separate devices for the other things like web or camera.

After owning 5 or 6 "top of the line" phones and having all the hassles associated with new technology (it's called cutting edge for a reason), the fragility of feature-packed phones, and then the compromises of an all-in-one unit, I have gone back to $200 "disposable" phones - If a $800 ph lasts me 1-2 years, I can have 4 cheapies for that price and $200 still gets you pxt albeit with a waste of time camera.

I then buy a $500 odd digicam and there are portable internet devices out there for bugger all. ipod does my mp3's - why have mp3's on your ph?

Its the same logic behind rack hi-fi vs mini/midi system. The majority of people still go for the mini or midi, but the smart ones among us know there is no beating a well put together rack. Same with ph's - don't buy a flash gizmo as its basically a flash, expensive, hunk-of-sh*t, brick.

buy 3 less expensive devices tailored to the use required. You'll be happier and you wont mind dropping your ph down a SW drain. (oh and if you see what I've put my cheapies thru - they'd probably survive the drain - one's been thru the washing mashine and is still sweet 4 months on.)

Edited by bravomikewhiskey

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My phone cost 250....only reason i paid more than a cheap phone was for the decent camera (1.3 mp). wait for something to come on special....a phone is a phone...as long as it can txt and call (and now pxt) its good enough for me

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Guest Spargo

Got an iPod, got a DSLR, got a b/w nokia 1100, got a PDA.

But I want a phone that means that at any given place or time, I can take a photo, look at my calendar, play some music and make the obligatory calls / pxt / txt.

Besides, what sort of loser goes out on the piss with all the above items... everyone takes a phone though.

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Got really hammered on Sunday nite, and managed to not only drop my phone but then kick it down a storm water drain.

rookie mistake. The first time I lost my vodafone phone I opted for $7 monthly phone insurance. Since then:

- drowned 1 phone down a toilet

- lost one phone on the ski slopes

- smashed the screen of 1 phone

- broke the screen of another phone

- keypad gave up on one phone

(im very accident prone)

so whats the big deal?

every time you claim on phone insurance (for whatever reason) excess is $125 - they replace it with the same model phone, or if it was an older model which isnt available anymore they give you a better quality one or its new replacement (which is better quality anyway)

IMO its honestly worth it if you are on a contract and your phones wear down heaps (misuse) or if you're just plain careless - and especially if you're looking at an expensive phone.

$125 excess as a replacement for a $800 phone is better that 25% percent off

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Use your home contents insurance - mine covers lost stolen and damaged phones and I dont have to pay an additional $84 a year for vodafones ph insurance - they pay out cash value of the phone (or current equivalent if it's no longer available) less $150 excess. if I then want to go buy a cheaper ph from say PI for example and pocket the change - that's up to me.

Done it twice now - 1 stolen ph, 1 damaged beyond repair (I had to send in the broken ph of course and the manuals and charger for the stolen one to prove I wasn't on a con and they also required the stolen one to be blacklisted).

Edited by bravomikewhiskey

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Well personally i'd go with a razr its going to be my next phone sometime this year-ish.

Currently have a panasonic vs2 on 021 which is good and was cheap and has 1.3mp camera, also now changed my old 027 over to my new PDA , but its big and looks like im talking to a calculator, so wouldnt recomend getting a phone like that. but yeah I'd go for the razr.

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I was from...

Sony Ericsson (SE) T630 -> iMate JAM (PDA) -> Nokia 6680 (3G) -> SE T68i

-> Moto Razr

all these in the last 8 months

I've got to say, T630 and T68i are great phone albeit its age. Battery lasts and has a ok-ish sync with Outlook. JAM is really convenient but a bit fragile and battery is cr*p (1.5-2 days with minimal calls and PDA use). 6680 is nice but slow and crashs every week. Razr has style but the UI is a shocker, esp comparing with Nokia and SE.

If you just need to read your schedule and not make new ones or change them, go V800 because SE's Outlook sync is good (compare to Nokia). Although I own and intent to keep the Razr, I won't recommend it.

If I were you, I'll get a cheapie then hold out for SE M600i in second quarter. 2.6" touch screen with QWERTY keyboard, 15mm thickness. That's when and what I'll go for when this comes out too.

BTW, if you are on contract and has a phone more than $350, phone insurance is recommended. The catch is you can only insure those that are (or were) on sale at a official Vodafone outlet. (i.e. those obscure, parallel imported model are not insurable through phoneInsure, so I was told by Voda)

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Currently have a panasonic vs2 on 021 which is good and was cheap and has 1.3mp camera

Its the worst 1.3mp you can get though. It is a good phone and was wicked value at $199, (now its gone up to $299 no so great value for that).

Nokia has fallen off big time, SE phones are a little dated + awesome new ones are real close. That 3.2mp sharp is a bit of a brick and it opens funny. The Moto's have bad UI, (IMO). Its a tough call at the moment. I like some samsungs, though havent owned one. The upper end panasonics like VS7, VS6 etc, are quite nice.

Check out this samsung slider, dont know the model number, that shop on broadway has it (etop?). real slim real classy looking, ~$750.

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From one Sony Ericsson owner to another - go the V800, stay loyal to the SONY!

You loved the ph you had, so do I! V800 is just upgraded version of our older model with heaps of great stuff, even an MP3 player!

Lisa was saying her man's just got one and she thinks its awesome too...

It'll be my next buy, but I have too many covers for my current ph to want to part with it just yet!

Oh, and as Gus would point out - its BLACK!

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I have a k750 and it rocks.

Bluetooth sync with outlook, easy navigation, excellent camera, video isnt too bad, and its easy to put video into 3gp and onto your phone for those quiet moments waiting for a bus or something.

MP3 ringtones which again is a piece of p!ss to set up and I can now have anything I want as a ringtone after spending a couple of mins on my leptop cutting what I want.

I also picked up an SE BT car kit for 130 off ebay, got it installed (in the ashtray :ph34r:) and now I can make receive calls without taking the phone out of my pocket and you have idea I have a car kit because its all hidden away.

Ive had nokias, panasonics etc but SE's have always been superb. Only issue is the volume is not as loud as others Ive had in the past which can be a pain when your somewhere busy.

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Guest Spargo

Yea pammy, we can still be twins?

Martyyn, totally agree about the lack of volume in a noisy place, just have an obnoxious ringtone!

Going with razr or V800, leaning toward V800.

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Yea pammy, we can still be twins?

Martyyn, totally agree about the lack of volume in a noisy place, just have an obnoxious ringtone!

Going with razr or V800, leaning toward V800.

I have Bloc Party's Luno at the moment and when it went off yesterday one of my colleagues nearly sh4t himself !

Im very tempted by the W900i to be honest, but would want to buy two so at least I could video call with the wife but she is such a techno-phobe she wouldnt know how to use it !

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Going with razr or V800, leaning toward V800.

it's big. And the screen is sub-par IMO.

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6225 Is where its at..

Seriously, But I guess you want all the bells and whistles? Like T3G/3G etc?

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