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Guest Andrew

Bimmersport.co.nz - The Future

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Guest Andrew

Hi All -

I thought I'd let you know what has been going on behind the scenes the past couple of months regarding bimmersport. As most of you know I have always wanted to make it "better" - and now, its finally happenning.

So what's going on you ask?

Firstly - a few separate legal entities have been formed. Bimmersport LTD, Bimmersport Motorsport (a division of Bimmersport LTD) & Bimmersport Car Club Inc (in the process of being incorporated).

Why so many names? Well - It would be a shame not to make use of the massive advertising potential this website has - this has some great advantages for you, it will always be free - and it will be much MUCH better (very soon!). We are also offering other services though Bimmersport LTD that require it to be a registered company. A lot of the services you have asked for over the past 3 years have been noted - and will most likely be implemented. In terms of the actual reality of the advertising - it will be in a lot of places - but they will be advertisers you want to see on here - people who are part of the community. The site will not get slower as a result of this change (the servers will be changing)

So why the car club? Bimmersport Car Club will be a separate entity from the website. This way - the website is able to generate revenue and not have to worry about non-profile organisational rules etc etc I.E we can offer incentives for people to work a significant amount of time on the development of the website. Bimmersport LTD will however be a financial sponsor of the car club.

The car club for me is the most important part - I want to create a very very active (non internet based) community. I am not aiming to take the place of the BMWCC NZ - but cater for a slightly different market (you guys). There will be monthly events, large events - all regularly - and not the same old thing that you do normally in a car club. I want to create something fresh within the New Zealand car club scene. Obviously there will be a yearly fee for the club to pay for administration costs/some events - this will be highly competitive compared to other clubs subs. The car club will have a section within the bimmersport forum purely for club related activities.

I do need some people to sign the initial Incorporation document - so if you would like to be involved in an official capacity with the Bimmersport Car Club - contact me - [email protected]. I'm aiming to have a couple of regions also - you already know who you are that should contact me.

As for Bimmersport Motorsport - the goal is to run at least 2 identical (in cosmetic terms) race series cars. Plus a targa car (this may mean repainting my car *sob*). I want to make the "Bimmersport" brand image so well known - its hard to ignore.

So what happens now?

- We need more members - I want you ALL to buy stickers - these will be very very cheap. I will be making flyers - advertising in car magazines - doing all that is possible to get the website member base to its largest size possible. Ideally - i see 4000 members by the end of the year. To reach that target - we need to get 10x the average membership join rate per day (3/day).

- You'll see a new website/forum soon. It will be much prettier - faster, easier to use. Josh is bloody good at this kind of thing and I know he is going to do a mint job.

- We will have a working Bimmersport Car Club - turn up to events - it will only be as good as you make it, there are a few people putting a lot of thought into it right now to make it as badass as possible.

- Parts trading on the website - thought i'd give some of you traders a heads up . I will be changing how its done - don't freak out. I will be contacting you all individually.

Want to find out more of the benefits of advertising here? Contact me or Ollie ([email protected] OR [email protected]) For the advertisers kit.

Cheers for reading -

- Andrew

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Sounds sweet. I reckon there is the market you speak of. BMWCC is a bit unaccesable i reckon.

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Sounds sweet Andy. More track days :D happy to help out, just holla

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Guest Spargo

"puts hand up" Keen to help in a big way Andrew, lemme know what you need.

Also, what do you need with regards to flash wizardry? My boi is damned good with that sort of thing, (vivace if you know Josh).

Put me down for a few stickers, mine is kinda slopy (but not as bad as Jungles was!)

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Keen to help if required :thumb:

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- We need more members - I want you ALL to buy stickers - these will be very very cheap.

where from?


ill take a couple

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Sounds pretty sweet Andrew...... :thumb:

and yea, 4000 members?? damn this things gonna be big.......cant wait for the first car club meet-up........ :bounce:

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Guest Andrew

- We need more members - I want you ALL to buy stickers - these will be very very cheap.

where from?


ill take a couple

There will be an online shop selling the stickers by the end of next week - don't worry I will spam heaps to let you know.

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Guest Spargo


Keen to help in anyway possible regarding Dunedin/Otago organisation.Need to keep my BMW love alive, its fading.

(Are the drafted mods from the last overhaul/uprising still kept in mind?)

I hope so! They were all excellent choices.

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I admire the time and effort you have put into this forums Andrew, you have created a brilliant community and brought a lot of great people together to share their love and knowledge of BMW's :)

And to all the moderators :thumb:

The plans for the future are in safe hands - I'm looking forward to it.

And, if you ever plan to expand across the Tasman, count me in! There are also a great bunch of guys (even though they are Australian) over this way who share the love.


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And, if you ever plan to expand across the Tasman, count me in! There are also a great bunch of guys (even though they are Australian) over this way who share the love.


will definately be keeping that in mind.

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You gonna do some kinda vague charter or something?

Or is the car club going to become whatever it ends up as? (you know where im going with this...).

Cool that youre gonna do more with this tho - Thought 4000 members meeting anywhere might be a bit of work...

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You gonna do some kinda vague charter or something?

Or is the car club going to become whatever it ends up as? (you know where im going with this...).

Cool that youre gonna do more with this tho - Thought 4000 members meeting anywhere might be a bit of work...


email if you want to get more involved in those sorts of descisions.

all in good time thoug, understand there is alot more work to be done before anything comes to fruition. worth the wait though!

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Excellent idea Andy to keep the forum moving forwards.

The only thing I would say is that when Ive seen other forums Ive been on doing it they have failed miserably simply because it has been one persons vision that has completely failed the majority of its members.

I wish you the best of luck Andy (or anyone who is involved) and of course if I can help Im more than happy to.

As for the last uprising and the introduction of new mods, I dont remember anything coming of it.

As we have seen before in this place, a couple of people have handbags at ten paces and the forum sails right through the middle of it with no obvious changes required.

Was pretty well handled if you ask me, no need to throw the baby out with the bath water is there. However if changes to 'staff' are going to be offered then they should be followed through because if you think of the fruitcakes we have on here with 900 members, having 4000 is going to be very interesting :)

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