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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Thanks everyone for your replies and offering me your cars, but I just scored a bargain. An E46 330i Motorsport with 145k, immaculate for $3k. Pics to follow soon-ish.
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    Steering wheel has been made to my spec, check it out. Looks good! Will take some more pics when it’s here and I have put it on.
  4. 1 point
    Just purchased my first ever European car on Friday. I only piad $800 for it the oil is lovely and clean and so is the engine.. (from what i can see looking down the oil cap) the interior is a bit rough and appears to have been poorly re assembled at some point in its life. Its only been 2 days with my new BMW and i am really enjoying the handling, and the cool little differences BMW have in the design of their cars that sets them apart from the rest. It a 1996 E36 318iS (see pic) Thanks for taking time to read this and i look forwards to getting to know users. Thanks
  5. 1 point
    Good that it has roof rails though!!
  6. 1 point
    Got the okay from Motorsport NZ that I can go ahead with roll cage paint! It'll take a couple of weeks to get the paperwork back, but sounds like we're ok for homologation and logbook..! In the meantime I bought an extinguisher bracket from KAP Industries in Australia. It arrived today so I fitted it up with my single-strap extinguisher (I'll need a new one with 2 straps for motorsport). Fits nice and snug, and being black it's kinda subtle which I like. Untitled by Christian Taylor, on Flickr Wheel is still on it's way from the Ukraine, and I'm expecting the Storm gearknob to be here shortly too. I also bought some more safety stuff today, some proper clamps to go around the harness bar and stop the harnesses moving, and some nomex gear.
  7. 1 point
    Hey mate, I have an 2001 e46 330i msport, 190ks if you're interested. Auckland though; $5,800 ONO
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Not as easy as you think for any of those points you raise. Jochens guide does not equate to an E65. Integrated Reverse camera/ bluetooth all doable for the older platform cars - E38/39/46/X5 etc. I have done many, including Nav conversion from Jap to NZ Best get in contact with Joe @ Euro Surgeon
  11. 0 points
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