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mr E34

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Posts posted by mr E34

  1. All these tax rebates help minimize the gap between the rich and the poor, without it, we'd have a polarized, crime prevalent society like America with sh*t health outcomes!

    Their have always been the have's & the have not's, since i left school i have created wealth thru my own skills, didn't worry about dopey Govt agencies creating more dependants.

  2. I was generalising...not having a go at Mike.

    I'm all for cooperation, what pisses me off is all the bludgers on the gravy train wanting a free ride... and what do they give in return.... "Fuk all"

    Thats the biggest issue i have too Glenn, oop's i need a new fridge, oop's i need to pay the power, trot off down to another Govt. agency & get them to pay for it....ie the taxpayer. Working for families, another load of dribble.....they can't lower taxes across the board but they have money for every scheme imaginable.

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