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Everything posted by martyyn

  1. I tried that G, but if you follow the links they still tell you nothing about what the part is. I want to see a picture with it So is it a complete satnav retrofit then Glenn? Do you have a rough idea on the price for this part number 65528374915 ?
  2. Can anyone with the right software tell me what this part number is please, I cant find it on realoem or pelican parts. Its listed on the paperwork I have as 'LCD display' at a value of NZD7849 and I want to know what it is.
  3. martyyn

    3,5,7 & 7il

    Because you havent resized them yourself mate At the moment the forum software is taking care of the resizing for you, but its gotten to the point where people are not bothering to resize photos themselves. What this means is whilst they look smaller on the screen they are still full size 'behind the sceens' Ill remove these for now but resize them and post the smaller versions are we are all good.
  4. martyyn

    bmw clean out

    No prices, no replies, no surprise Nothing EVER sells on bimmersport without a price.
  5. Use double sided thick foam to hold the new plate on. No screws so looks nice and tidy
  6. I assume a dyno would show 1 horse power at the hoof
  7. We tried everywhere in Wellington and all we could find was the 'build something once' stuff. Having said that it brakes so often you have to rebuild it everytime you....er I mean your son....plays with it.
  8. If its the wiper motor, they are not hard to take out, take apart and clean up. Usually the problem is a build up of dirty grease and crud on the contacts, especially if the wipers work fine when you hold the stalk down. If I can do it in an afternoon then anyone can !
  9. I think all you blokes suggesting Lego have memories of how it used to be, which dont get me wrong it was brilliant. But having a six year old now I can tell you the Lego is pretty poor. Almost everything these days can only be used to build one thing and one thing only. There is no imagination anymore you just follow the step by step instructions and that it. Its all in the marketing. Why sell a box full which allows you to do anything when you can sell all you need to build one thing in the range and have the parents fork out for each item individually
  10. Ok people, price is up, thread cleaned up, if your interested get in touch with Morgan.
  11. Thanks Grant, thats what I thought but just needed the confirmation.
  12. I think you did well, if I hadnt have bought one already I wouldve paid $250 for it.
  13. Here's my kit. Bear in mind I built this one some time ago but it still has more than enough grunt to cope with anything I can throw at it. Is quiet as a mouse and sits in a cabinet so looks werent really that important, but noise and performance were. X-Case Q-Box mATX Case - $151 Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2H - $133 AMD Phenom X4 9500 - $275 Corsair 2x2GB DDR2-800 XMS2 - $155 Hauppauge WinTV-HVR4000 - $177 2 x Western Digital Caviar Green WD10EADS - $164 each I already had a Hauppauge MCE-500 which provided the MCE remote and blasters to control my amp and STB but you wont need one of those to get freeviewHD. Just found the invoice and I bought this back in March 2008. Prices will probably be the same for the equivalent kit now, although I think some may have gone up. The motherboard has everything on it you need other than a tv tuner. It does hdmi and 7.1 sound out of the box. I just use the optical out to my amp which takes care of whether the sound is Dolby, DTS whatever and HDMI out to your TV for 1080p viewing pleasure. I have it running XP and use Mediaportal to handle all the media requirements. Its free and 100 times better than MCE but does take some playing around to get properly sorted.
  14. I wont tell you what I paid earlier in the week for one off ebay Well done mate, at least someone had the balls to make a bid after all the comments last week.
  15. People, My old touring had the IR remote. Is that something that all Jap imports have? Do the Jap cars not have RF remotes at all ? Also, does anyone know what the range of an RF remote is ?
  16. How many of us are here then ? I think Atta just got his numbers round the wrong way David
  17. Football. Get him off the couch and down the park....sorted.
  18. Sooooooooooooo....a quiet night in then tonight
  19. HOLD ON A MINUTE....17....are you 'aving a laugh ?!?!?! When I was your age I was only lucky enough to buy myself a crappy 1971 Mazda 808 in rust orange (fortunately).....and here you are swanking about in your e36 with a list of goodies an arm long !
  20. Last time I looked a bluray drive for an HTPC was about $170
  21. I cant disagree with any of that ^^^^ other than if you have all the kit why bother watching movies that arent both HD for video and audio ? 16Gb for movies is nothing, you just have to be on the right plan Oh and if you do rent a movie Simon you just pop it into your HTPC and your away, if you have a WDTV you have to rip it first
  22. I forgot to mention that if you ever do get Sky, you can record everything from that and use the same remote to control it all too All of my stuff is hidden away in a cabinet under the tv with the only thing being visible is a little IR receiver. WAF is very high with that ! I guess with an HTPC you can do anything you want really, with a WDTV your stuck with what ever it can do. Can you hook them up to a network, or just a drive in a usb enclosure ?
  23. Your right Jon, it all comes down to what you want to do with it. I use mine purely as a media center, its not there to play games but with the grunt of a quadcore AMD and 4Gb of ram Im sure it could handle most things and if I wanted to start playing games I only have to install a decent graphics card and Im away. All HD decoding is done on the motherboard along with the HD sound which I just pump out to the amp with an optical cable and jobs done.
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