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Everything posted by Nobimmer

  1. ^Word. This week I am putting in an LSD, running brake ducts and possible new steering rack. Would hate the rain!
  2. Ahhh sh*t forgot autobid! Ring me if sale falls through
  3. Just need to know what the size of the thread is on the oil filter housing. Need to make my badass oil cooler fit! Cheers Ashkan
  4. OMG ITS MIKE SIRENS! See you tonight.
  5. ^g do a deaseal drop in dunerz
  6. Also. This Diesel drop bro
  7. haha have seen this and thought the same. I think to get into the club the criteria is that you must own a car. I have seen stickers on standard levins, accords and sunnys.
  8. ^ How do you acquire such sweet cars just in time for track days! I just realised I have a good mates 21st that Saturday, so might be a little bit late.
  9. Last time I used stainless ties. Am open to suggestions.
  10. I'm in there. What do they weigh out of curiosity?
  11. Yeah want to stay away from them, they are dare. GSS has it for 120ish so might get some tommorow. Just thought someone might have some old stuff kickin about.
  12. Want some decent stuff that wont melt like the junk I got from SBA did. Need a couple metres or so if anyone has some old stuff lying around?
  13. Fck me you have to be the dumbest person to have signed up to bimmersport.ever.
  14. Nobimmer

    Trademe fwit.

    Account is here. Although I have been banned for 2 days for mass adding strangers. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pro...813&sk=wall Add me for a good time
  15. Nobimmer

    Trademe fwit.

    ^We used dog poo. In a plastic bag, in a meat freezer. Trust me, it is potent. Have started a new facebook page and am doing what Karl recommended, brilliant idea!
  16. Nobimmer

    Trademe fwit.

    Good ideas so far, but I CBF going to Hamilton really. Today I may or not have signed his email up to atleast 60 non hetrosexual porn sites.
  17. Nobimmer

    Trademe fwit.

    Ok, I need some inspiration here. Background info is simple. I bought a watch off him, will leave his name etc out of it for now. The watch was $40 which is not much really but that isn't the point. I paid the guy immediatly and he was replying to my emails in an illiterate type (lyk dis), but I said nothing and sent delivery details etc etc. Long story short, after recieving payment all contact has been lost with him. Now I know he isn't AFK so to speak, as he is replying to questions and emails on a car listing he has. I have sent him 12 emails (one a day for the last couple weeks) and recieved nothing. His feedback says he has done some other slow payments etc but they have all been completed eventually. So basically, I have his phone number, could easily find where he lives by asking to view the car, and I know what he looks like from FB. Now, I don't really want to go there with a bat for $40, the trip would cost me that in gas alone so I would want to make it worth my while. So I want some ideas that will hurt him in his pocket and waste his time much like he has wasted mine. I am not talking about smashing windows etc. So far I have thought of the following. -Ring him and tell him I am super keen on his car and that I will meet him in Hamilton or similar to pick it up and do nothing. -Deliver pizzas etc to his house. - Poo and lots of it. I had a friend once freeze a poo and grate it all through a former friends flat. that was neat. Ya'll get the drift. Help me
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