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Everything posted by jay^

  1. jay^

    Wrecking SA e30

    if its 4 door id be keen to take a look at the left rear door complete.
  2. CHeers bro - will have to take it for a spin see what you think. Should be getting all the little panel n paint stuff done over the next few weeks then ill leave it alone .. probably.. maybe.... haha
  3. wee update now that she has been lowered just a bit of an improvement
  4. That looks the goods ! Think ill be doing this to mine once i get her back. Can you advise the exact product you used ? Cheers!
  5. an extra 6 months of production .. i dont see too many more in NZ's future then even if that is the case.
  6. Looks like that chap got the press involved and the cops still didnt care.
  7. I dont really see what the problem is - dont speed.. dont get a fine. Too many people out there think that just because they have been driving fine for 10 years that they're Lewis Hamilton and so often thats how people get killed.
  8. Cheers bro bloody stoked with that price - im off to pick it up now Gonna give Ken a call when i get home. We will catch up once i get it back for a show and tell
  9. Yep that would be awesome thanks - be good to know what i was in for. Dont want to go SUPER low but wouldnt mind it being a good 30 - 40 mm lower than it is now.
  10. Yeah dont think ill be going adjustables at this stage - bit of overkill personally. Any comment on that H&R shock & Spring combo ? Do the Bilsteins perform better ?
  11. Thanks for the welcome. Yep lowering it is definately part of the plan - i understand that Bilstein sports shocks and H&R springs is pretty much the way to go ? or something like this http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-...n-385274310.htm ?? Will also be looking for an LSD for it if the budget stretches that far.
  12. Hi all, my name is Jay - just bought my first e30 after many years of wanting to have one. I bought the Hartge 325i that Brent had advertised on behalf. Needs a bit of work but it will be going straight into Ken Bellars on the shore to get several thousand bucks worth of tidying up done - should be pretty tidy in the not too distant future ! Great website loads of info - hopefully ill meet some of you around the traps ! Cheers ! Jay
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