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Everything posted by 3 SERIES

  1. If the asking price was 10k I still wouldn't consider it!
  2. Thought this was good for a laugh Anyone with an iPhone will understand how frustrating the auto correct can be! Dam You Auto Correct
  3. Happy Bithday Henry. Have a good one!
  4. 3 SERIES

    HB Linden

    Happy Bithday Linden. Have a good one!
  5. 3 SERIES

    M3 Shoot

    F$&king nice mate! Best BMW colour ever IMO.
  6. Happy birthday old man. Have a good one.
  7. Tony, your wife is a very very lucky lady! I hope the Bimmersport CHCH Chapter are all ok.
  8. Ah, maybe it's not Pommy's one then looking at the profile. If not, then there's four on the markets atm!
  9. ^^ Yes Here: http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....mp;hl=e30+318is
  10. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-355049399.htm
  11. Ha ha very funny. Thanks for posting!
  12. 3 SERIES

    E36 M3 EVO

    Just look on tardme! Here you go, just saved you 3.5 seconds. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-350170073.htm
  13. All Sorted. Bimmersport, helping people since ages ago!
  14. The beer was a ploy to get peoples attention. I did say that I dont mind paying for the persons time. Ha ha, not the M325i Graham
  15. How many beers will it take for someone from the Auckland Chapter to pick up a car for me from HellBM & take to Glenn for a pre-purchase inspection? Ideally I would like this done on Monday (7th feb) Any help would be much appreciated. I dont mind paying for your time. Bloody difficult trying to organise this from Hawkes Bay. PM me if you can help. Cheers Brett
  16. How do you think car yards make their money? Thats what happens when you take a BMW to a Ford dealership! Good result in the end. The buyer got one hell of a deal. I just hope they got it checked out in that short space of time it took to sell...
  17. Want this so bad! Anyone want to buy a '95 NZ New Manual 318is with 127k on the clock?
  18. Car looks farkin mint! Well done.
  19. lol thats mint! You should see mine
  20. Interior looks grubby How can you tell from those 3 photos? Dam I love Imola Red!
  21. 3 SERIES

    HB Greg

    Happy Bday Greg. Have a good one!
  22. 3 SERIES

    HB _Matt_ (Matt)

    Happy Bday Matt Have a good one!
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