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About Dejh0n

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Name
    Deon Nothnagel
  • Location
    North Shore
  • Car
    Black '01 330Ci

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  1. I might have the right solution for you . Send me a link for a belkin aux cable (from either Harvey Norman or Noel Leeming) and I'll modify the file for you.
  2. Anyone else keen? I have 4 happy customers. I can post these out if you need me to
  3. Alright, here you go: That is completely untouched from the printer - I only removed the support material.
  4. yeah, no problem. Will do when I get home this afternoon. I haven't even been able to mount it in my car yet. Once I've done that I'll take a few nice pictures and post 'em up
  5. In other news, I re engineered the dock for the iPhone 6! (Then I had it printed and it wasn't quite the right dimensions. so I redid it again!) I have had 3 printed (one for Lewi9, one for my mate and one for me) I think they turned out great
  6. I've had a quick look - there are so many different models available! I'll have to check out the different models and see if the connector is short enough to fit in the holder without sticking out all the way through (which would mean it would not get pushed down every time you push your phone in.. Keep posted..
  7. http://www.ecstuning.com/ES86963/ Done
  8. yeah, it is rather quiet on here I reckon. e46fanatics.com is always happening though. Bloody small population here and an even smaller amount of people owning BMW's of which a tiny subset use car forums!
  9. It would be possible. As it stands now, you can actually have an audio cable stick into the iPhone as it would go up through the dock. As long as the connector surround of the 3.5mm cable isn't bigger than the apple lightning cable connector: you would just have to plug it in every time you wanted to use it. If you wanted me to be able to incorporate and seated, more permanent / fixed connector then I would need to decide on a standard 3.5mm connector that fits those requirements and that it relatively accessible to most people. Eg. at Harvey Norman / Noel Leeming
  10. :love:
  11. Sorry, didn't see this post! Yeah, you've got it. $60 for a straight 3D printed piece that you can pick up from me. I will try and finish my iPhone 6 3D model this weekend (maybe even a 6+ one too!) PM me your details and I will talk to you about the finer details D
  12. Alrighty, Good news! The company has got black into stock and I have just got one printed in black. I reckon it looks pretty good as it is (but I do like the look of a 3D print) Obviously, if you prefer a more finalised / factory finished look I could sand, bog and paint it for you. I will be making an iPhone 6 and 6+ version if you have or are getting one of those. Let me know which one you're after, D
  13. The company I used to get my one in the pictures printed told me last week they are expecting stock of black in 3 weeks..
  14. I thought that was a pretty price seeing as spec.dock is $159 NZD + shipping : http://specdock.com/car/make/bmw/3-series/1999-2005/bmw-3-series-1999-2005-iphone-and-iphone-dock-116.html Even with having to buy yourself another lightning cable for $20 at $139 it's still pretty good The finished finish would be a sanded and 3 coat colour painted finish. I could do matte, satin or gloss finish in black or matched to the silver trim - your choice
  15. That's part of the design it physically cannot go further down
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