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Everything posted by mark247

  1. Well all I had to do was sort the gearshifter out and the exhaust... now im back at square one... I got my engine loom off my mates e30m50 which didn't have ABS, mine did. Turns out that is a BIG ISSUE. Turned the key and my wiring loom started to smoke like **** and ****ed the fuse box, burnt wiring at going back through the firing wall into under the glove box. Looks like we are going to be rewiring a fair bit of the car now.... Shouldn't have the same problem again, we just ripped all the ABS wiring out... feck it. We need to replace the fuse box and a few other pieces, which isnt a bad idea anyway because once opening the fuse box we discovered some muppet had already absolutely rangi'd it up. ARRRGH. The joy of engine swaps eh..
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eVtio58he8 fail.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eVtio58he8 fail.
  4. Your plan might work, it seems to be something a girl would rather like. I should learn from you. The last thing I did with my ex girlfriend was take her to the MotoGP, then we broke up. I dont know why?!? I thought everyone like 200hp v4 motorbikes?!?! I'd say a girl would like your idea better ha!
  5. Chur as, will pick up a m20 one tomorrow and drop the bitch. Next task is shifter. Because I'm using the prefacelift shifter setup it is totally and utterly on the piss, the shifter pushes hard against the right hand side of the hole it goes through into the car.. we need to modify pretty hardout to make it fit, pretty much cut it in half and lengthen it all... Then there we need to do exhaust as well..
  6. hhahaha great misquote. Oh yea, spacers.. so you positioned the starter slightly more forward? If i understand you correctly.. so its like err a washer thickness closer to the front of the car? lol.
  7. Also I tried both an auto and a manual m50 starter, they are identical.
  8. I actually totally didn't think about that. But I'm 100% positive at least one was in there because I remember I had trouble getting the gearbox on it. My flywheel has been machined a fair bit so I'm pretty sure that wont be an issue, I'm sure I would of noticed that when I put the flywheel on?
  9. Nearly finish my E30 M50 swap and I have just tried to start her up and the starter motor is not engaging. I am using a M20 flywheel and gearbox ( so it's on a funny angle ) but I am using the original M50 starter that came with the engine ( which was connected to an auto trans. ) I tried another M50 starter and it did the same thing. Should these m50 starters work or do I need to use an M20 starter? Thanks!
  10. 1. Get SIR E30s short shift kit, they are good. Also get the brass bushing he can supply you. And as he said, try new oil 2. Try another wheel alignment 3. Typical m20 lol. 4. Wiper motors getting old, replacing them is a bastard of a job I've been told. I think possibly you can just clean them out... 1. Cant say for sure, could be a number of things. 2. In each gear and a certain speed you will always do the same RPM. For example, every time you are in 5th, doing 100kmh, you will do 3100rpm. The only way this can change is if your clutch is slipping, and it wont be that.
  11. Anyone know a place open on saturdays that I could get a spigot bearing from? Doing m50 swap and realised I need a new one.... Also, can anyone confirm that a m50 spigot bearing is different to a m20 one? http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?mo...hg=11&fg=20 Number 5 on that diagram
  12. M20 is now out of the car. No issues yet, had a tiny bit of trouble getting the engine to let go of the engine mounts and it kept lifting the car off the stands but sorted that. Next job is to swap the gearbox onto the M50, and install the new brake booster.
  13. Nope, just got all Parkway Drive and IKTPQ on my computer lol
  14. Let him stick to that rotary pos, someones gotta drive them! lol.
  15. Parkway Drive and I Killed The Prom Queen is where it's at...
  16. mark247

    Facey is slow!

    Full speed ahead for me...
  17. Could be a good idea.. A car that goes "brap brap brap brap brap." It's not mine lol.
  18. I thought I was the only one that listened to Enter Shikari on full bore in my bmw?!
  19. Lets get real here! Stuff uni, get an m50!
  20. Take back previous post. I got bored and went and took some pics. This is the car after about 10 minutes work then realising I wasn't going to have time to get the engine hoist tonight... so gave up. Here are some more parts needed for the conversion. Front part of an e36 exhaust which Im going to use to make my exhaust manifold fit my original exhaust system This is the throttle cable im going to use, I cant even remember what it's off, maybe a e36 but possibly a e34, who knows?! lol This is the master cylinder with the connector things I need to make it so I can remotely mount the resivour. The e34 M50 mounts im using at in the background. This is a loom I got off my mate who has a e30m50, he just took it out of his car because he is making a better one. This one isn't perfect, it just needs a tidy up, but it will just be plug and play for now..
  21. No no, communication is down
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