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Everything posted by Greg111

  1. Damn, and i only got to ask one question!
  2. Why did they decide to compare these vehicles, i wouldn't say they were in the same class as each other?
  3. Thank you, thank you haha.
  4. Wow, i assume you have a prob with this lady? Everyone is their own person.
  5. What hard way? The hole thing was rigged, the car simply is worth nothing looking like that!!!!
  6. 100w and you will be blinding every other driver on the road, dipped or not.
  7. Haha this will be good, might have to ask a question or three?
  8. Greg111

    540iS on 18" Alpinas

    The only way to "roll" these days, or so im told
  9. Imagine if someone bought it!
  10. These would actually come in handy but then again it would temp me to have drinks in the car which is a big no no.
  11. Hey Aaron, pics is always a must haha, welcome btw.
  12. Greg111

    Project DHA

    Hey Doug, looking really good, better to see it out in the open rather than stuck beside the shed aye
  13. Greg111

    HB Simon

    Happy birthday mate, have a good one
  14. Really nice car mate, just awsome!!!
  15. Greg111

    Trademe auction

    http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C....htm?key=449681 M3 ti, quite rear i would assume???
  16. Not sure? Theres a little box on either side of the engine bay where the diodes are housed.
  17. Greg111


    People who lower there car on the ground don't care how safe it is, so just take the springs out all together! Or actually spend some money and buy some adjustys.
  18. Greg111

    Eagle F1s

    O.k it will stay at 40, i'll be in contact with you in the near future.
  19. Haha lag, not a friend of turbos.
  20. Oh yeah i understand where your comming from, i shouldn't have said they are slow cause my mates one is quick for what it is, just so much lag between the two turbos, i believe the GTBs and the WRXs have forged internals from standard, both with 206kw, mine is 210kw. Just that little bit extra I think the 3.0l M3 was in the 14s somewhere (i think, correct me if i'm wrong).
  21. Didn't this guy just ruin a perfectly good M5!
  22. Wow that's a nice wag man, love the brembos, my next mod i think
  23. I'm with Yuen, you are making a joke with that wing aye? Highley unliked as you can now tell from the people on here! I actually saw that same wing on a 528i yesterday, looked worse on that, just ridiculous. As for the wheels, they don't look too bad once fitted. I'd be swapping that boot lid quick smart though.
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