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Everything posted by Greg111

  1. Good old Kubica again, 6th isn't too bad for heidfeld is sopose.
  2. X5 diesel? Your wife can't say they're tiny haha.
  3. Haha classic, suck a bit of nitrous up with the blower too. Just gotta find a way of attaching it to the car????
  4. 7.2, and that's without lying!
  5. After reading all that i wish Thunder park was still open (pretty much live on top of where it use to be).
  6. Greg111


    Jeff Grey...Hastings? Youre profile says Welly or is there a Jeff Grey in Wellington as well....although wouldn't think so.
  7. Super ugly i think, the inside is alright though. The new Maybachs at the international motor show last year in Sydney looked pretty stunning, very huge car also.
  8. I oh so nearly bought one of these before my car now, they just look awsome, very nice man, congrats.
  9. I feel the couch and tv setup is it for me, you do get to see the whole track from the tv, however it still doesn't beat the real thing.
  10. Greg111

    Fair enough

    Hondas themselves are proberly fine, won't say descent because both my sisters have prelude vtecs that smoke like buggery, they're not old cars either. Anyway they just get a bad name by the dickheads who drive them stupidly! Roaring up mainstreets in all towns of NZ.
  11. Haha hadn't been in this thread for a while.
  12. Greg111

    Fair enough

    Well it has to be a NSX then, what other stock standard Honda would beat a 3.0l?Yes i too am happy with the outcome of all this, i think that was the karma those guys had comming
  13. Yeah i'd be keen to read a write up about this matter just incase this happens to me (touch wood...damnit wheres some wood)
  14. Was also just looking at that.....pretty good job with the photo chop i must say. Come on who are you kidding here really.
  15. Greg111

    Soviet Wagon

    Haha you have dedication Ollie.
  16. Hey that's fair enough mate, a point that is being stressed on this forum is safety not looks (this is by the more experianced members anyway), why have a real good looking car if it's unsafe, won't be good looking once it's in a ditch, do it right the first time No one here would hurt anyone elses BMWs....you're not a cop on this forum so noone should and would have beef with you!
  17. With mine you can actually change the output colour, tacky but looks very cool with red angle eyes on a yellow car at night.
  18. Adjustables are the best way to go, dear i know but if you wasnt your car to handle...
  19. That's an awsome wagan man, that front splitter factory?
  20. Hahahaha thats a crack up, write letters and sh*t.
  21. Haha that mini V8 was awsome.
  22. Don't like the topic then don't read it, there are still good informative topics on this site that help us with day to day problems with our BMWs, remember that this turned out to be a joke so there really is no problem here? However your computer keypad is not your phone so i agree with most when saying spell correctly.... if you guys actually can???
  23. I'm gonna be different and say 8000k, the blueish looks good.
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