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Everything posted by Greg111

  1. If you have to finance the vehicle how are you ever going to pay for the repairs, 10g will buy you a very well maintained 318 E46 with no needed fixing other than regular servicing. Carolla's are cheap too.
  2. I'd stick with 20g, the one above had more KMs and standerd interior, would prefer this one. Even better, keep it!
  3. I can't understand how a 330 can be in such a condition!
  4. Be a hell of a lot safer!
  5. Very nice! Bit pricey though.
  6. No God Satan 666 Seems like a neat guy.
  7. I would be giving track days a miss if these people attended! You could imagine what would happen.
  8. Greg111


    I love tricking my car(s), can't get enough, keep buying things for them, already bought two things for the 3 this week.
  9. Be a neat garage if the three group A vehicles were together ha. The GTR is definitely a special car worth recognition!
  10. Was never a fan of Skylines but i'm now in love with GTRs, you've done a fantastic job so far, well done.
  11. Greg111

    e34 535 wrecking

    What condition is the radiator?
  12. Rare yes, only red Motorsport, no very very much no.
  13. Already been proved wrong about the "only" red Motorsport 540.
  14. That is NICE! Love the interior. What are you actually wanting for it? Any idea?
  15. Haha, funny. I've never struck a problem with the fuel pumps on an N54?
  16. E34s have the airbag triggers on each side of the engine bay at the front, orange in colour, you may have got water in one of those? If not just get it checked on a diag.
  17. Greg111

    GTR issues

    Right i have pics of said car: Also wound the boost down to 15psi for obvious reasons.
  18. Greg111

    E46 M3 NZ New

    Being nearly a year ago i'd say it'll be sold.
  19. Greg111


    Not that you'd want to.
  20. How do i send a dozen through the mail? Want the eyelids.
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