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About mtk540

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 07/12/1960

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Mike K
  • Location
  • Car
    2011 E70 X5 40d
  • Car 2
    ‘99 E39 540i (gone)
  • Car 3
    ‘88 E30 320i (gone)

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  1. Thanks for posting this up Mark. I had an awful feeling that I recognised his name. I first met Atta years ago (pre EQs) as a noobie at a meet. He immediately came over and introduced himself and made me feel at ease. Sincerest condolences to his wife and daughter, his family and his friends. - Mike
  2. I am speechless.  Sincerest condolences to your family and friends

    Rest in Peace Atta.

  3. Thought I’d log back in after 8 years and see what’s happening and if any Chch members I knew pre quake are still active members. I remember some fun drive days out to Godley Head and to Timaru and meet ups at Pak n Save Moorhouse other places. Had a ‘99 E39 540i (in Diamant Schwarz) when an active member. Sold that when it started costing too much to keep on the road. Went back to a 2010 Outback to lug around kids sports stuff. That’s over now! Now have a NZ new 2011 E70 X5 40d Motorsport LCI (read facelift) in Alpinweiss as my company car. That’s the twin turbo version of the in-line 6 cylinder diesel that puts out 302 bhp compared to the 30d that produces 240 bhp. Love the smooth ride and the power. Fuel economy is 10.5 l/100 (27mpg), a lot better than the 540! Never owned a diesel before so it was hard getting used to the noise. Previous owner was my business partner who upgraded to the F15 X5M 50d. Will replace profile pic when clean and the sun is out. Mike
  4. Became the latest victim of the potholes in Chch that have appeared after the floods then heavy frosts. Cut a long story short, dark night in the rain, on a road I go down every day. SMACK !! Front left. Sure that looked just like a puddle of water Next day checked in at mechanic as big pool of oil under car and thought it was brake fluid. Front left shock had completely sh@t itself. New shocks both sides. Now waiting to see if insurance will play its part...
  5. Let it cool down last night and it idled fine. However... on the school run she started that dreadful noise again. A bit embarrassing at the school drop off zone. Anyway I made it to Kevin Burt's and Kevin, as always, was very obliging and tried to sort it straight away. At first he thought it was a slipping belt on a pulley - yes Christian, good googling - so sprayed some magic stuff on. Noise gone. About to drive away and then "Wheeeeeee !" WTF, again. Kevin suggested I leave it with him as the suspect pulley was buried under the water pump. Once on the hoist it was diagnosed as a broken crankcase ventilation valve - Glenn is that the same part that you are talking about?? THis is located at the back of the engine, where I thought the noise was coming from in the first place. He showed me the part and the gasket was shot as was the valve and the casing was cracked. May have been a large stone from one of Chch's many cr@p roads that smacked into it - who knows. Apparently as the valve was shot, the vent inside was vibrating against the casing making the noise which, when under load, would stop vibrating. All good now, running real nice and smooth. Mike PS: Christian - thanks for lunch the other day! Will reciprocate when next in AKL - actually next Wed but just a quick day visit.
  6. OK so my wife used my car tHis evening to go look at a open home. I'd just got home from work so the engine is at its correct running temperature. She arrives home some 45 minutes later and backs up the driveway, the car making this awful high pitched squealing noise. At first I thought it was the fan belt but nevertheless got her to shut down straight away. She said "your brakes are making a funny noise". WTF?!!! "It only made that noise when I was braking or when I had the brakes on when we were stationery...". OK so at low revs or idle. Obviously not the brakes then. "Sorry darling, not the brakes." Lifted the hood and started up. High pitched noise coming from rear of the right bank (as we are looking at it) of the V8. Rev it and the noise diminishes in sound but speeds up in frequency. Sounds like a rotating part touching something. Engine temp seems OK hovering at mid point on guage as had radiator replaced two weeks ago so coolant levels should be optimal. Anyway I may wait until the engine cools and start up again. In the meantime, any thoughts? I am a total non mechanic so wouldn't know what to look or listen for. If its still making that noise tomorrow morning shall I run the risk of driving to my mechanic in rush hour traffic? Cheers Mike
  7. For a total non-DIY'er I'm really proud of myself today. 1. Boot lid not opening with release mechanism or under dash activator button thingy - diagnosed by Brent and Ray as the boot actuator. Part ordered. Installed in 15 mins with help from Mr Google. Hardest part was taking the plastic trim off to get access to mechanism and not breaking the plastic pins. Tick. 2. Purchased the Turtle Wax Headlight Restoration kit to get rid of the haze on the headlights. Three step process with easy to use sanding pads, clarifying solvent, elbow grease (free) and clear protector. Just about like new now. Tick. 3. Beverage of choice and watch My-Sky replay of Crusaders whip the Bulls. Tick.
  8. Hi guys, wondering if any of you can help. The boot of my E39 won't open using the normal bootlid release or the under-dash button. All I get is a whirring/clicking like a cog/cam/latch isn't operating. However, I can still open it with the key (whew) Cheers Mike
  9. Christian - am a bit pi$$ed you didn't want my 540 after buying you lunch when you were down here last! Get those rim protectors I mentioned http://www.hyper.co.nz/drive/wheels/brand/rimpro-tec/list Too late for me now, Linda has been driving my car... Mike
  10. mtk540

    Mark's E34 project

    Nice project for you Mark. Back in Chch now??
  11. mtk540

    ChCh checking in

    All good here Jase. Hope your house fared better than last time.
  12. My business partner bought a 2003 Audi All Road from them last year. He had his brother in AKL check it out prior to bidding. Paid $15k, all leather, colour coded, not the ugly two tone bumpers and flares that some have. Probably worth $25k+ retail. All he had to do was freight it to Chch, change the tyres, get it serviced and replace the missing 6 disc CD cassette. Other than that it's in perfect condition and I'm a wee bit envious. Makes you wonder how thorough those who say they were hard done by were, when checking their vehicle out. Do the check, read the terms of the auction and Caveat Emptor. Quite simple really ...
  13. Hi guys. Thanks for your support and concern for the Chch members Good to see some guys reporting in, some with close encounters. My family are alive and well, no damage to our home apart from a few more new cracks in the floor tiles and others from 4/9 getting bigger. We are VERY lucky. At 12.48 I was in a meeting with a client from Dubai and a business broker. Meeting was going really well until the board room started shaking. We were 3 floors up and I thought it was all over, waiting for the ceiling to cave in. I dived under the table, my guests sat paralysed in horror. The Dubai client was white with shock. As we evacuated I popped into my office to collect my jacket, cellphone and car keys and glanced out the window. My window is across the road from the Provincial Chambers on Durham St. It was a pile of rubble. The 8 story Brannigans building across the river with its mirror glass windows had several pop out showering glass on the street below. The exterior glass elevator was smashed and I couldn't see the elevator car. My first reaction was to check in with our safety officer then dash off to get my 7 year old from school. Luckily our garage was intact and the car was not impeded in any way from getting out. It was a 3 hour trip to St Andrews up Papanui Rd in streets starting to flood back to Westmorland via the airport and Hornby in nose to tail traffic. The devastation in the streets along the way was unforgettable. I applaud the drivers that day - no panic, no impatience, all courteous and letting people in and merge. Have since lost one mate who was in PGG, Crusaders board member Phil McDonald. Am waiting for fate of Marsh business associates in the same building. Now the hard work begins .... Mike
  14. Chris I think you look after our group life and tpd plan here in Chch... I have dealings with the guys in Marsh Chch office on a regular basis Is it possible for you to PM me with who are missing, but I completely understand if you wish not to . I am particularly concerned for Phil M, Kieran R, Sue B and Chris A Thanks Mike
  15. Jase Concur with Mark. Had my wifes Audi RS rims done a while back via them. Can't remember how much they cost so can't have been too expensive... and the before shot was pretty ugly! Mike
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