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Everything posted by _BRS_

  1. _BRS_

    HB Eagle

    Happy Birthday Birdman! Keep that e30 looking nice!
  2. _BRS_

    HB Jordan (jordy)

    Happy Birthday Man!
  3. I didnt really want to start another topic so thought this was a good place to post. Soo.. atm i have my car insured for $8000 with a yearly premium of $1150 with NAC and this is due for review in a couple of weeks. Just wondering if any members can recommend another place that would benefit my car wit h a possibly lower premium. Just wanting to shop around before jumping into anything too soon so any help wopuld be usefull. Cheers Blair PS: Car is a 1990 320i e30
  4. Hyjack much?Yes brook keep them black Back on topic*
  5. i have a front and rear bumper, rear isnt mint but front is pretty good. need to get rid of it
  6. _BRS_


    One of my Faves...Do it!
  7. I cant help sorry... But dam those rims are sick!
  8. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-213934277.htm
  9. LOL at speedhumps... nice e36 tho!
  10. _BRS_

    e30 bits and pieces

    whats wrong with weighing it, measuring it approximately, ringing up and askin for a quote with your weight/ measurements then bubble wrap it up heaps, and send away?
  11. Welcome to Bimmersport! I thought maybe the P should be a C and Become CRAWLN as you say you are fixing it most w.es! Enjoy your stay.
  12. +1 my sister applied for a grid girl job but missed out, and shes def better looking than alot of those Samsung girls.
  13. Was a good setup there! So clean and tidy Also good meeting you at the meet at the Base on friday night.
  14. Gutted as man! How did you find that out?
  15. haha good times! the fan on the front is like a mulcher for the high weeds!
  16. _BRS_

    e30 325i 1988

    Nice, that idea went thru my head.Be good to see the progress, good luck getting it done by Anzac cruise!
  17. _BRS_

    e30 325i 1988

    does the 2door have a full kit on it? otherwise you will have to buy the 2 door pods and skirts. Glad you are getting through the problem, hopefully it pays off
  18. _BRS_

    e30 325i 1988

    sounds like its too big for you to handle! just part it out
  19. Welcome Todd! Saw this on Trademe a few weeks back! Would have been mint for an e30 swap. Where are you located? -blair
  20. _BRS_

    ED1RTY P.P for sale

    sounds very deserving!
  21. Does Lance (Melopuf) still have his?
  22. I reckon it looks good, id rep it!
  23. Im pretty sure its an e30 with an m5 engine conversion, from what i can gather of the actual title of the vid.
  24. Sweeeet Nath should be a different car with them on! Not long now!!
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