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Everything posted by petone

  1. Don't mock the clothing, my ferrari t-shirt is awesome. but i wouldn't want bimmer clothes or credit cards. Same as those aussie V8 nuts with the HSV and all the hats and shirts to match. =ghey BTW, tims got a really cool hat, wears it everywhere.
  2. petone

    Mags to fit e30

    Best for some mags is try and get some multifits. 16" 4 x 100 mags with proper offset very rare, still some fwd offset wheels will fit ok without spacers. Its the brake calipers that cause the most problems. Also apparently spacers are legal if they are bolted to the hub. Something as small as the allen bolt that hold your rotor on could be used.
  3. petone

    1994 BMW 320i

    Welcome, sounds like you got similar plans to me. I'm off down to canterbury next year for 4 years of engineering. Hopefully I'll get into the auto industry, obviously I'd love to go work for BMW but even making V8's in aussie would be cool.
  4. petone

    E30 Advice

    In my opinion one of the most tell-tale signs of how reliable a car will be is how its been looked after. If the previous owners have taken the time to wash and clean etc chances arethey've done the same for the mechanical stuff. My mate brought an E30, paint and interior was pretty bad nick. gave him heaps of trouble. Mine is in pretty good nick and has given me no trouble for 18 months and gets warrants easy as. BTW mines up to 230K I'm surprised it doens't have a sport steering wheel, seeing as it has kit and sport seats etc As someone else said, if you like the kit then get that car, or if you want something fast then shop around.
  5. Mine as well, 2 dr is lighter than 4dr for each equivalent model. I thought it was odd when you said 2dr is heavier.
  6. Why did they use 2 door e30 for racing, surly there has to be some advantage?
  7. Dam aussie cops, they didn't buy those mags you were talking about, they came on the car its a GTO coupe. And all we get is executives or acclaims
  8. Because i don't think the sparco shop will accept 17 year old leather seats as payment.
  9. Norms is only a CSi, not the CSL, still cool though, he was up at the manfeild training day in it.
  10. I've always thought 2 doors were stiffer than 4 doors, and lighter as well. And what model bimmer are we talking about here? Are 4 door normally stiffer or are bmw just different?
  11. petone

    325i muffler

    My mate has a complete 325i system from the headers back, I think he'd rather sell complete though, Interested? I'll see what he wants for it.
  12. petone


    A mate of mine had a bj40 for a while and has now got the short wheel base of the cruiser your looking at. He's selling the bj40 soon if your interested? Are any extras other inluded, ie LSD or lokcing diffs etc The winch is worth quite a bit just on its own, and if you are going to go poroper 4wd it will save your ass heaps.
  13. Why do you say unless you can swap the whole car? Mine was never leather to begin with, I pulled the seats out my mates crashed one along with the door panels, I'd swap those as well.
  14. I would change over everything, back seat and door cards as well. about leather sports seats I was just meaning E30, but if I could find some for a good price then I'd put them in straight away. I think I will take the sports seats, sorry to keep bringing this up but would they be roughly worth the same, would a straight swap be fair?
  15. My leather seats are the same shape and adjustments as the normal E30 cloth seats. So they do have some side support but not much. The sports ones are just the normal cloth sports seats. If both sets were in average condition, what they be worth roughly? Would a straight swap be fair? Or would the leather be worth a bit more? As for leather sports seats, aren't you the only one with them on the site gus?
  16. Got someone who wants my leather seats, and would give me his sports seats plus a bit extra maybe. Now, my seats are just plain black leather 2 door and the drivers in ripped quite bad, (along the seams, not the actual leather cost around $100 to fix) And there is a small rip in his seats, not major though. Question is, would that be a fair swap or is one worth quite a bit more than the other? I can't decide what I would want, leather is so much cooler and looks way nicer but sports seats would be more practical. How much better do the sports seats hold you? What would you guys rather have? Cheers
  17. Odd coinsidence, I saw a 1986 M3 yesterday, black, looked in pretty good nick
  18. petone

    Mags to fit e30

    sort of, the 3rd was a rhetorical question.
  19. petone

    Eminem - Encore

    Radio Hauraki :bowdown: I don't listen to the radio much but when i do it always that. It was the Rock but that turned poo. Also in my opinion a full bogan has to have an old falcon or holden, lots of metallica or iron maiden t-shirts and black jeans, as well as listen to lots of metal. Still nothin wrong with bogans though As for eminem.... :thumbsdown:
  20. I second what sic said. You'll regret a sh*t alarm. I rung round heaps of places in the welly region and they all wanted $450 for a dynatron installed, if you can get it cheaper than that you gotta wonder how good the install will be?
  21. hmm... a metallica singing lesbian, sings iron maiden the same as eminem which is not cool though, and she wont get more than one beer, also not cool.
  22. You shouldn't need spring compressors to take the jamexs out. And to put the originals back you can always bodge it... *NOT RECOMMENDED* -Just an idea Just use the weight of the car to compress the spring and then you can do up that top shock nut from inside the bonnet. This is pretty dodgy cos you have to have a mate lower the car down while you line up the shock. If you don't like the sound of that you can alway try just going into a garage with the strut off the car and asking them to do it. They would probably charge less than the cost of spring compressors.
  23. Is that car in Lower Hutt? I see it all the time. If not then it must be real similar.
  24. petone


    Man that sh*t sucks, dam lucky the police were there. Some f**ker delt to my car once, never found out who. Smashed headlight, indicator lens, and put a nasty dent in it. Serves his dumass right right tho
  25. I had a look at the place r3v did their GB on strut brace, from memory it was $100 US and freight was around $20 -$30 US. not too bad, how much are strut braces over here?
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