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About nastnas

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 09/26/1983

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Nigel Aston Samuel
  • Location
    East Auckland
  • Car
    1993 E36 M3 Dakkar Yellow

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  1. I think Beisan Systems is a good option as well for VANOS repairs. Have you seen what they have to offer? Cheers,
  2. Are you in a hurry to sell? if not just wait, you will get your price. Cheers
  3. Yea Noel. He's pretty good. Also the BMWorkshop in grey Lynn is pretty good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Ross at BMWorkshop in Botany Oh, and just realised the car had a KN replacement air filter? not sure if thats a "mod" to you guys. Certainly not to me tho. (given my history)
  5. No mods Noel. Car was completely stock. I had 168 before I did the vanos repair and then after the power increase was superb. 10kws, but the best increase was the driveability through the rev range. Vanos engaged earlier lots of pull in most gears. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hi beeker, I had my yellow E36 done at torque, after my first VANOS seal replacement kit. car made around 178.2 kws... I will try and find the thread with the details found the old thread. 178.2 was the reading.
  7. I think you need the N1 restrictor. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150356009906437.353340.151066896436&type=3 Cheers
  8. I sold it to a guy in January. He has replaced the diff and added the milltek. not sure what the deal is. I am currently in South America on business, but am keen to know if he did the brakes too. can someone check for me? cheers,
  9. LOL! this will be interesting...
  10. nastnas

    Mobile phone advice

    i'm an iphone user, but rate the LG Nexus 5 highly. go into 2 degrees and try one out. you will be hooked by the functionality and the price is 2nd to none!
  11. did you rev it all the way and does the Vanos ECU change the cam timing at the right times?
  12. It builds up really quixk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. That's a bit harsh. Smgs aren't bad at all mate. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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