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Everything posted by 323e30

  1. e30 front clear indicator lenses 30$ a pair Go strait onto standard e30 indicators, just need to swap bulb for orange type. There clear/white not crystal so wont be able to see through them will just look white as clear indicators do. bmw e36 clear front corner indicators 4 door 65$ a pair brand new bmw e34 clear front coner indicators 65$ a pair brand new. bmw e46 front corner clear indicators 90$ a pair brand new e34 angel eye headlights with corner indicators to match 400$ (pre paid orders only) e30 angel eye headlights 380$ (pre paid orders only) exhaust tips ac , harmann , or m sport 180$ stainless steel (tip only)
  2. Will be heading to supllier tommorow so should have prices very soon.
  3. loads of harmann gear im here now so if theres anything that you can think of let me know and ill get the price.
  4. cant upload that image it wont let me for some reason, Can get a 3 piece lip with 2 splitters for each side and a lip.
  5. Can do , basically can get anything for 1985 and newer . The newer stuff is actually alot easier to get. You after anything in particular?
  6. Sure do, will sus prices for you in a few days.
  7. Ive been trying to find the num for an e32 1988 automatic gearbox ecu or atleast an image, Ive got a massive stack ov random ecu's and it know its amongst them somewhere but have no idea how to work out which one it was. Haha my own fault for not marking it tho!! Anyone know anything about this? Cheers Mike.
  8. Could only find bilstien when i was there last time, and its only 50$ cheaper or so than to get here or from usa. Couldnt find any alternative brands that looked any good, just the d1 crap ones that are on trademe.
  9. No images but i know that they stock racing dynamics cold air intakes for e36 and e46 and most likly e30. Ill hit you up with a price and image next weekend.
  10. having heaps of trouble uploading images for some reason , But will have firm prices for everyone next weekend onwards, I will be asking for a deposit for most requested items to save myself from tyre kickers and time wasters.
  11. My catalog is a cd from my supplier. Can get carbon trim kits but dont know price and can get front splitters also I leave to go overseas this wens so will have some prices next weekend.
  12. can get every type. from memory they start from 20$ a set
  13. I have a fairly good one for a good price 0210390073 (easier to text as i havent got much reception where i live) Pick up from takanini or can arrange postage. Cheers Mike
  14. yeah can do. Can you send me an image of the parts you need. The rear end is still all intact but i will pull it apart this weekend for you if i get a chance. [email protected]
  15. edit: uploads not working. E36_M3_1.BMP
  16. Can only find images of m3 front splitters the 2 piece type. Or complete front bumpers
  17. 120$ diy kit or around the 360$- mark for headlights with built in halos. The predone headlights are far better but not price wise, Really depends on whats more important, cost or quality.
  18. Ive got the biggest selection available for e46, these are a few images, No prices till mid june tho.
  19. Depending on type and brand unbranded or Ac Schnitzer etc 130$-240$
  20. Everything I can get will be cheaper than the uk prices and the us prices for the same items, So If you have found anything online that you cant already find in nz and are keen to get let me know. Front clear corner e36 indicators 70$ a pair e46 clear side indicators 65$ a pair Boss kits for e30 e34 e36 70$ for most expensive one Shown are carbon fiber e46 parts including air intake
  21. Pleanty of those. the chrome rings are easy to get cant remember price but they wernt much. here are some other options for e36 gauge wise. Can also get the different color backing plates white etc.. BMW_2_1.BMP
  22. having a hard time trying to uploads images for some reason . .
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