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Everything posted by pjay

  1. Mmmm valve bouncing. That go kart would be scary sh*t!
  2. pjay

    CD Purchasing Poll

    Hell. I still buy vinyl as well
  3. pjay


    Boston Legal and Family Guy
  4. Thanks! Can only find more pics though I love this car so much
  5. pjay

    Labour Weekend

    Skate, beach, dance, sleep. Rinse and repeat
  6. Ray has some. Don't know if he will sell though
  7. pjay

    C String

    Just go commando..
  8. More motivation, Find me a build thread!! Plz? Its a running a S52 by the way
  9. I know what it is you penises I would like any possible links to more info! And High res pics if possible, my google skills aren't as ninja as I thought they were
  10. pjay

    Labour Weekend

    You posting that up so we can all meet you there?
  11. Best man to talk to is a fellow named Dave or Deecee. He's quite a busy chap (working on his huge guns), but if you have MSN I can ask if he can add you and you guys can nut it out?
  12. How much did you get it for out of interest?
  13. Rats. Drive to the conditions, when they change reduce your speed
  14. Looks like a rim on my GTZ when I understeered into a curb at 80kph. That's one way to do it. Another way is attempting to drift and flicking into the curb. Or maybe he was actually parking the car and hit the accelerator hard by mistake? Which one was it? Just out of interest
  15. There's a few Naka fanboys on Ice bro. I'll post it up for you: http://forums.nzicemag.co.nz/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=24336
  16. You got it! Its really refreshing going into the bank to manually deposit. These days the net is just so convenient you forget how much fun a walk to the bank is.
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