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bimmer boy

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Everything posted by bimmer boy

  1. Excellent. I ordered my plate today Thought I'd be a little different with my plate choice, well not really but not the usual 'D' plate design
  2. Only two for me - 1986 320ia - Was some bizzare PreFL / FL thing (Sold to Will) - 1989 FL 325ia - Fully optioned SA FL goodness
  3. I say go for a 325 aswell, after having a Auto 320i and now a auto 325i I really cant notice much difference in fuel consumption at all, and plus higher speced cars are more than usually cooler haha. But if you really are only after a 318i or a 320i just look for rust in the mentioned areas and all that. 318 will obviously be better for insurance but depending on your age, insurance might not be an issue, all I know is almost 3 years ago when I was 17 I couldnt get insurance on my 320, but still waiting to hear back on insurance on the 325
  4. Another question, can the BeepBeep sound from when your arm and disarm it be turned off? And is the alarm sound a normal one? not one of those ones that have like 5 different alarm sounds that play in sequence? weird question but need to know haha
  5. Funny how this should just pop up I was ringing round places yesturday making alarm enquiries... You dont happen to have a list of all the features of them do you?
  6. How much do you want for the rear europlate filler/holder? Oh and possibly the red tails?
  7. Are the front speakers in a E30 5.25" like the rears? Cheers
  8. Id like to know where to get these bulbs from also, But it may be easier to get a whole replacement light board for the OBC?
  9. Is anyone going to get the NZ replica europlates?
  10. This is the one I was going to get
  11. Its a real smooth m20 aye, goes pretty well, even today I had 4 others in the car with a trunk full of hebel blocks and went well CLIFF~ the 190 i kept off the forums because I knew I'd get sh*t for it haha but the subject was brought up at the Northland meet, and all of you's said they were pretty cool to my face, get back on here and see you were all blatantly lying!
  12. Im going to get some too soon
  13. bimmer boy

    Emma's M325i

    Ahhh the M325, so mint and so badass Much better in person! congrats on the new car. you were like a 7 year old on Xmas morning but then again I was aswell haha
  14. I did drive home, my mate drove the first half and I drove the second half, but yea been doing a bit of driving round, going really well
  15. At least your user name is still appropriate
  16. Very nice man looks pretty mint and 4-door which I thought you hated
  17. Yeah 190e fell though at the last minute so looked around a bit and found this, I think its much better than the 190e I looked at
  18. Nah supprisingly not all I did was wash it in dish detergent the day before, it hasnt been attacked by me and meguiars yet, except the seats got a bit of cleaning and conditioning but that was after all those photos we taken. But soon enough it will get the 3-step
  19. bimmer boy

    Ryan's 325i

    Yeah, finally got another car, picked it up yesturday from Graham (Bravo) Its a fully optioned 1990 SA FL 325i. I spent the rest of uesturday when I got hme giving it a quick was, and went to work today and got about $180 worth of Meguiars stuff for it. Has a few little defects in the body work, and a paint chip that my mate is going to fix for me. but most importantly, NO rust... for those that know me you know what I mean! Any way here are a few quick snaps I took off my phone today
  20. Looks quite cool man, pretty good condition. I take it the random picture of a Primera interior is on accident on the auction?
  21. Who cares? sorry but its true
  22. I think I just barfed in my mouth a little bit
  23. You can put music on a regular V3? argh why did I spend an extra $200 for the V3i and all I got was that stupid blue light on the flip and a camera that is no better than my last phone that only cost $300, If i knew the regular V3 could play music on it I would have got that kind grrr
  24. Pxt it to me and I'll post it up. I also have 2 usb cables for the same phone (V3/V3i) if you want to buy one aslong as I can find the other one
  25. Gutted man! thats very uncool
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