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bimmer boy

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Everything posted by bimmer boy

  1. Minnnnnnt. Sounds awesome. No doubt it will have a entry level sticker price of well over $200,000 and top model proberbly over $300,000
  2. Negative, from a shoe repairing place but most key cutting places have it
  3. Key point - dont mention the car until they have given you a price unless its nessersary, and park around the corner so they cant see you comming haha thats all I can think of.
  4. Just got back from JC now and ordered the filter I need which ended out being some special Micronic filter but I dont think a piece of foam on top of a filter is special but it ended out being about $5 cheaper so thats all good. Had to order it though Ex Germany so wont get it for 14 - 28 days, but oh well its proberbly my only other option.
  5. Yep it is metal. I spoke to another guy from JCBMW earlier and he said he knows what I mean and has dealt with the problem before and said he ended out using a filter from a 5-Series. But he said to come in tomorow and return the wrong one and he find me the right one. Thanks for the help guys
  6. Yeah I did give them the chassis number but I suppose its a honest mistake on thier half, I'll give them a call and get it changed over. Cheers
  7. Hi there, I went to Jerry Clayton the other day to pick up all new filters for the dirty 30 and I noticed yesturday that the Air filter I was supplied with appears to be smaller than the one already in my car by about 2 - 3" and I rang them up and they were absolutly sure its the right one. The part number for the one I was supplied with is 13.72-1 715 881 if that at all helps for those that are freakishly familiar with BMW part numbers hah. The mesurements are 260mm X 150mm if that helps So anyone know which one is the right one? Cheers
  8. I have adealers guide also from 1989, states a 325i that was brand new in 1989 is listed at around $85,000
  9. Yea you should... I didnt know your onesix had leather?
  10. Thats awesome man, as Ive already said on ES
  11. About $150 per corner for cheapies, I think.
  12. I found this the hard way, I was semi waiting for the fuel light to come on and tell me that I need to fill up but ran out of gas on the way to the petrol station
  13. Its not broken, Ive seen heaps of E30's with it like that aye
  14. Yea they are the ones from Germanplates for like $80 Emma is absolutly right I just love the number 37 either thta or they are just the two numbers in the middle of my plate, but make it look much better and didnt have to spend hundred than I would if I got ones through Plates.co.nz
  15. They have arrived much such a difference I reckon Before = Yuck After = Much better!
  16. bimmer boy


    327 Eater killed my last pair of Ck's but I had them for over a year until that happed but they are tough, but usually find Lee's or Wranglers pretty good though they dont seem to die in a hurry, unless they are the kind that you buy pre ripped. Ive also had a pair of versace jeans for like 4 -5 years and there is no killing those things still got them but for the price you can buy 4 pairs of Levis insted
  17. Well now I know for next time to come to you or anyone else who knows what they are doing. I knew I should have just got it all done at a place closer to me than out by work, live and learn huh At least it shows I'm not the only one with a bad experience with them! but I cant say I'm overly supprised
  18. I get something similar too, it only happens when I'm turning a tight corner while the engine its cold or well thats the only time it happens. Its more of a high pitched squel but doesnt sound like its comming from the engine or anything it sounds like its comming from in the stereo but I have tried turning off the radio to see it it stops aswell but it doesnt. It only lasts for like 2 mins tops so its no biggy. But would be good to find out what the problem is. Sorry to hijack your thread man but they seem like similar problems
  19. you know in the manual it says that exactly what not to do for osme reason it says 'Never warm up the car at stand still' or something along those lines
  20. I'll be honest and say I am more courteous towards other people with european cars on the road but I still let others in no matter what car, but if someone on the road is pissing me off then I wont. So no one really gets special treatment from me on the roads unless they have a nice E30... then they get a wave
  21. bimmer boy


    anyone ever manage to clock Alex the kid?
  22. Not leather related really but here is my before and after of my parcel try, came out pretty decent, much better than what it was thats for sure! And proberbly only took a hour all up nice cheap and effective thing to do to a E30 parcel shelf because most of them I see are sh*t
  23. Ok so I got them out, just used brute force and ripped them out, I thought they would be brittle and break easy but they are really bendy, and the shelf is all painted and put back in the car and looks mint
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