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Everything posted by kingkarl

  1. e36 = only frontal impact bags. Because this was side impact only, it wouldn't have set off the sensors in the front bumper.
  2. Finally, we might actually get a ski season.
  3. kingkarl

    He's back

    argh /delete thread
  4. kingkarl

    He's back

    Don't bother with part 1. It's the gayest thing I've ever seen.
  5. Vibration could have been balancing issue?
  6. kingkarl


    First off, obviously I wouldn't tag someone's fence. But if I found myself in that situation, I'd rather take a hiding than be subjected to that. Those kids must've been the biggest pussies. I'd tell the hicks to call the cops, while I happily sit outside and wait to be dealt with by the law. If they told me to go inside and dance I would of laughed in their face.
  7. kingkarl


    Those people are white trash. Big time. Why did those muppets agree to do that? Did the old bugger threaten them with a knife/gun or something? I would of told them to get ******.
  8. Yeah there are idiots on our roads. This is news how?
  9. Dumbasses. But very entertaining. http://www.nzskier.com/articles/243/
  10. Extensive coverage on TV1 for those who didn't know.
  11. Holy sh*t. Indeed I hope there are no casualties. Hopefully it doesn't take tooooooo long to repair the major damage. Might be a good time to start up a building company. Insurance companies will be shitting bricks . Thanks for the photos Jack.
  12. Same friend who had the Cayenne S owned 2 Jeep grand cherokees prior. 1st one blew the gearbox apart within 50,000km and needed a whole bunch of other crap replaced including half of the front suspension and cooling systems. 2nd one needed the WHOLE front suspension replaced. I don't like American cars. a) they're ugly they're vulgar (names like crossfire, nitro etc). c) build quality was appalling and they used fall to bits. I don't know if that's changed now with the recent shake up of the US car industry, but I wouldn't be prepared to gamble $X0,000 on it. Sure they're cheap, but so are Civics.
  13. I don't care if it does 0-100 in half a second. I'd NEVER buy hunk of crap American JEEP. I'd rather walk everywhere. And for the ML63. God they are horrid looking. I much prefer the looks of the Cayenne/any other car ever made. Plus it's a modern merc so it'll fall to bits and end up costing millions of dollars to replace. From what I've heard they are hands down beaten by the X5 with respect to handling/driving dynamics.
  14. A family friend has a Cayenne S. As said above, it goes like snot. Around town he says it usually does about 22L/100km... so pretty bad.
  15. Tough break man. Definitely get a lawyer. Even though it's a minor conviction, you obviously still do not want it on your record. Employers are becoming VERY pedantic and I've talked to quite a few who wont hire people if they have ANY convictions, regardless of how minor they may be. I'm not suggesting anything, but how fast were you going? Seems a little unusual for the car to just slide like that even with a slippery road. Lodge a complaint with the police complaints authority too. There's no reason for that cowboy to treat you like that.
  16. kingkarl

    Favourite brew

    That's probably Timaru's biggest drawcard 24$/doz is standard North Island price I think.
  17. Easy tiger. I'm one of these "idiots" that get on the piss every Saturday. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. (Wait for your 18th though... or 20th by the time the law changes).
  18. Pretty typical of that area. Right in the heart of the Tauranga "ghetto".
  19. kingkarl

    Favourite brew

    Can't afford micro brewery stuff, but it's definitely the best. Had a couple of Cardrona ales yesterday at the Cardrona Hotel after coming off the mountain, went down a treat. Heineken is my favourite "mainstream" beer. Speights is good (bloody expensive nowadays though, $24/doz in supermarkets).
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