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  1. Looks fantastic compared with one of those hideous old S14s
  2. That looks amazing with the weaves. I can see why people like the E30s so much.
  3. Hahha, NICE I wanted to buy this for my second V8 conversion, sadly the timing was not right. Looked to be a good car! Any issues with it?
  4. Agreed. I must do it on my next 'project' E36, certainly wouldnt be doing it on a mint example. Those eye lids are pathetic though.
  5. Oh my I might have to just buy two sets of these... Very nice! How many of the 'M' logo sets have you got in stock sir?
  6. Brandless junk = more dirt in your engine. Pod filter = more heated air in your engine, less performance.
  7. ^ Heh this was a fat older guy. He had a weird beard, so that kind explained it.
  8. Very nice. I once saw one exactly like this being washed at wash world with one of those horrible dirty car washing brushes, I was baffled at how someone could be so stupid to use one of those horrible things that has previously been used by 100s of people, on things like muddy 4x4s etc etc, I wouldn't be seen dead using one of those on my cars.
  9. Ah. Curious, not to be rude but what was the sale/purchase price?
  10. Ahh was that your old car Sam?
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