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About JaseNZ

  • Rank
    4th Gear
  • Birthday 05/18/1970

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    Golf "R" (2014)
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    To many to mention.

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    my bimmer

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  1. JaseNZ

    Bmw 1.4 scanner.

    Doing a clean out and found this gathering dust if somebody wants it for $10.00 excluding the postage or if you are in chch you can drop by and grab it. You will have to find the software for it which is pretty easy via google as I don't have it any more. I guess the fairest way is the first person to post gets it that is if people still use this. Note : If you are out of chch and want it posted I won't be doing it until the new year.
  2. Just read this and thought to myself good on you for proceeding with this. This would have quite an impact on all car dealerships here if people were to follow this route for replacement keys. I know I was quoted $600 to replace mine if it ever got lost. They must be making a massive margin on these and this is the first time its been queried and exposed. http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/90293847/raging-businessman-takes-toyota-to-tribunal-over-525-key
  3. Yup mk6 , love it so far surprisingly quick of the mark and so much better to drive than my E46 but that was starting to get long in the tooth though.
  4. Well guys I have passed on my e46 and moved onto a 2011 GTi golf. My e46 gave me 7 good years service but it was time to move on. I did a lot of looking around and test drives before settling on the GTi. Will still be floating around but would love to say thank you to all the fantastic people on here who have helped out over the years with tips and tricks.
  5. Nice , Are you expecting to be towed soon ??
  6. Mine have always been serviced by JG here in CHCH (because i am to tazy to do any work myself) and i cannot praise them enough, Nothing is ever a problem. I always book a courtesy car and its always a model that is less than 6 months old. Dunno if that bit is trying to up sell, if it is them give me a M1, or M3 next time.
  7. BMW E30 M3 owner parks his car inside his house to escape Hurricane Matthew He gets my vote http://www.stuff.co.nz/motoring/news/85146124/bmw-e30-m3-owner-parks-his-car-inside-his-house-to-escape-hurricane-matthew
  8. Devious, nobody on here would be devious
  9. This is interesting if you want to have a look. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0B9sBiouJo
  10. 4 1/2 years smoke free for me and the missus now, oddly enough I still have the odd dream where I am having a smoke and enjoying it. Wake up though and its pheww thank god it was just a dream. We have not got any extra money in the bank to show for it but we do have a new TV and kitchen and many other things we would not have had if we had not given up smoking. I was a 50 grams a week smoker for about 30 years so if I managed to give up so can you, its so worth it in so many ways, mainly so I get to see my kids and grand kids longer. Food tastes better and things smell better. Just do it.you won't regret it.
  11. Cheers and done, Did not even notice it there.
  12. Hey guys can you check the avatar setting there appears to be no option to be able to change it. Signature is there but not avatar.
  13. JaseNZ

    Airbag recalls

    Mine was done about a year ago, went in for a warrant and came out with a new airbag.
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