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Everything posted by BMW POWER

  1. Welcome to the world of car sales! Man I dunno if im gonna be able to handle being a Saleswoman! E240 - Nah, E55 or E63 and i wouldve said yes to you I think Autosure or Auto assure is the one we use. Doesnt mean its best. but theres a few aftermarket companies around the place - Driveright, PROTECTA, Swann Insurance, Warranty direct etc etc.
  2. ESP - Not in a technical sense! Extra-Sensory Perception lol! The BMW Techs dont have it I don't know but i can find out for you. Jeremy seems to thinks its NZ New. Yeah actually i was thinking the same (Dads explained the number plate idea to me and i always look at cars that have "Euro" plate mounts as NZ or GBR) Remember the best sales arent always the easy ones. I went through ALOT to get my car - and gosh i look at it now and wouldnt have it any other way. Warranties can be brought from any half-decent dealership. The idea of having a 7 mate is cool factor - go all out, treat yourself!
  3. Personal experience, the silver 745iL or 760iL (i cant exactly remember, this was 12 months ago) we had from Singapore had outside rubber peeling. It just felt like it wasnt all there, stuff was worn more than usual with a Kiwi one, and it only had around 60,000km. As usual with BMW Singapore imports you have to watch the electrical system. Being a 7 series, it has one munger of an electrical system. But also being inspected by BMW it should be fine. Remembering that they dont have ESP and cant predict future catostrophies. Just talk to some neutral mechs about Singapore imports, im sure they can advise you in detail about them. As Jeremy said, NZ New would be a definite preference. In my opinion its worth the extra $xooo you pay. Up to you though, but definintely NZ New represent. My family has had $6000 bill from BMW- bad experience with an asian import. Heres the Armstrong one: http://www.armstrongprestige.co.nz/usedcars/ 3rd page, half way down. Good luck
  4. My parents E39 has got Continental ContiSports rears and Bridgestone G3's i think on the front (was Contis allround at one stage) and are up for a new set at $500 a tire. Dad loved the Contis, said they were pretty good allround but said they were bloody expensive.. If that helps anything?

    E30 Stuff

    Christ almighty Sam, and what was it a while ago? BMW Single....
  6. I'd go for the 7 indefinitely if it wasn't Singapore import. All of our (2) E65's from work have been Singapore or Japanese imports, I guess that drives the price down. So my votes with the 7... just watch the Singapore bit
  7. Cheers Jared, I've already got that one! Was hoping it was a CD one, But I guess here comes the iPod adaptor!Thanks anyway.

    Martyyn 36?

    Happy Birthday Martyyn Cheers for all the advice and stuff over the years.

    90 e30 coupe

    Yea Jeremy I saw it. Would've brought it over Lyndons if it had 50,000 less km's! (And if it had been there prior to purchasing his!)
  10. Hey Jared, Is the stereo a CD? Thanks Em
  11. Jezuz Drew! Itd be a pain in the ass to be your wife "Oh, and by the way, you're driving our 325 today" "Um, since when" "Since today" You swap cars like hot potatoes, whats next? Cant see pics BTW.
  12. Whatever happned to "I have internet, the end"?
  13. Yes, f**k you all quite considerably. In this picture I seat myself upon a $18,000 Italian High-country leather couch,Oooo excuse my English, setee rather, $1000 Italian leather shoes, a $5000 Pierre Cardin suit, My $100,000 engagement ring of white gold (Well I am married to the the princess of Denmark you know) And yes you ask about my car? Well its a $3,000,000 Bentley with a $150,000 shift knob. Beat that mutherfockers.
  14. Gutted as much as a megatron.
  15. Hey Yuen - Would the E36 Tec-2 Wheel fit a FL E30?

    Emma's M325i

    Keep the mudflaps. Loving your car Em's, Im pretty sure i expressed this point enough last night though haha.
  17. This:1997 M3 EVO SMG Mint. Like it actually was mint
  18. Its USD. I spent a while looking for confirmation, Heres the link http://www.germanplates.com/terms.htm


    Im rather attracted to it, Its unique!
  20. Welcome to the mint E30 club, good to have you back! Looking mint. Guys its not impossible to find showroom E30's, you've just got a to persist with finding one, like the old saying goes "A car today would be good, but a car tommorow would be much better"
  21. Only the Greeks... Always have and always will conqeur the rest of Europe and its machinery

    Em's New E30

    Too true Riley... Woot, got my restricted last Tuesday. Was driving in town today and some blonde chick about my age said to her mate when i was driving past "sh*t thats a mint car".. Might get some nice posing pics tommorow of it..

    E36 M3

    Forty!!!!! OMG! It sat around for ages, Got bounced back and forth between Christchurch and here... Was quite nice, shame it was SMG. Are you local?

    90 e30 coupe

    Hey Dude Dont ya think that the price may be just a little high for a Jap 320 Auto? I'd try it for $2900 reserve personally, But thats my opinion...
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