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Everything posted by BMW POWER



    Very cheap. (sarcasm) Nah i was just showing ya, i knew it was dare. But you might not have


    Perfect plate. Plate


    Andy, Your very observant. A true bimmer fan. Just like me

    1994 M 3

    Looks really nice..... http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...on-22116064.htm Just like the one in the sales brochures.......
  5. sic, Its a bimmer website, what do u expect Honders You go girlfriend ! ! :mosh: He needs to be told Sorry sic i'm not pickin on ya :thumb:


    Wow that is sooooooo wicked. One thing. On the steering wheel the little /// Colour thing is missing. Ha im sooo picky . It looks very tidy though.


    That looks wicked. Luvin the wheels. Evil.
  8. sic, Its a bimmer website, what do u expect Honders

    Centre Console

    I've noticed grant ALWAYS writes Cheers everytime he posts


    Hah and i'm one of 2 of the youngest..... Good to start the bimmer thing young though :thumb:


    Im going to be badass until my 17th birthday... and then...... InnocenceOr can i be bad now, and get a trial, found guilty, have a free life until my 17th birthday, and then get thrown away? blah blah blah blah blah....... :finger:
  12. I know sparkle, I know. You have a good pointTalk about installation prices........ (good) Engineeers must get good money


    Im going to be badass until my 17th birthday... and then...... InnocenceOr can i be bad now, and get a trial, found guilty, have a free life until my 17th birthday, and then get thrown away?
  14. Previous owner.. BMW AG, Munich
  15. Um, I wouldn't have a god damn clue, Your meaning the discs.... i think when i was talking to Mum she said around 250 odd, for 2.... Not too bad I doubt the aftermarkets were brembos..........
  16. Ha me too... Its all good.. Didn't know what to expect when i walked around the corner and into the driveway.... But the black beast was there as usual
  17. Didn't Brian get tec or the year award as well? Ok Juts got home from school, and straight away asked Mum is the car ok (typical me) 1. Transmission bolt leak. Fixed 2. Warped discs. The warped ones were after market ones, so BMW put BMW Original ones back in. So it turns out you guys were right :thumb:
  18. Um i think it might have been Brian... or is he still there? Ugh i dunno aye, i don't spend a hell of a lot of time there (although it would be wicked)I know most of the peoples names..... but yeah....... I thought they were all rounders there.... a bit of this a bit or that... Ali who is the Mini specialist there? Or is that just all rounder as well...........
  19. Thanks everyone. The problem is that there is pinkish sh*t lying round and then definite BLACK oil . Its been booked in for 9:15 tommorow, and damn i can't go cos i have school (theres a hotish guy there u c ) but i'll ask Mum what it was when i get back, and will post it up here. New digi cam will be up and running this weekend, its an Olympus 4.0mp so hopefully it'll do the job. I'll also post pics in the rides section, cos i have noticed the car has mysteriously vanished


    yeah, he got an odd look from me, when i saw his flesh coloured belt. Thats the funniest sh*t i've heard todayHah 14 BTW well just about 14 in like 5 days so yea 13 Damn proud too
  21. Thanks Ali Its not a bad problem, just annoying
  22. Ok well................... Today we went to Dunedin, and then we had to come back because of the alarm in our house went off twice (robber/fire alarm), so we rushed back to check it. Of course we were driving quite fast through Milton sometimes at 6000rpm. We were only driving about 100 k on the open road, then going faster to pass people. When we checked the alarm, there was no robbers. So we went to go see a friend and then we come back. There is oil leaks in the drive way ( a few drops in random places). Its kind of pinky orange, some of the oil is in the shade and its hard. When the car was parked in the car port, we reversed it out and checked on the ground for oil, sure enough there was a few drips sitting nicely on the leaf. We then lay on the ground and had a look under the car, there was a bit of oil underneath it. Dad reckons its transmisson fluid, or steering fluid. We have had a problem like this before, but i'm not quite what part was leaking. It was fixed at BMW, but now we have (possibly) the same problem. Many things have been apparently "fixed" at BMW but then we have to go back and get them fixed again. Can someone please help us out a bit to what it might be, it would be really appreciated. Mum is questioning how good BMW's are, and its kind of sad that she is . So i need to assure her that its just this car. Another prob. When braking down hill and sometimes on the flat the steering wheel starts shuddering, but not the brake pedal.This problem was also about 5 months ago, can brake pads wear that quickly? Thanks Emma
  23. What has BMW done to their cars? Seriously, Bangle needs the boot. I feel a petition coming on............
  24. And who..... doesn't know that?X3 and X5 they are 4WD

    1 Pic of the two

    Ha I miss the E30 now its gone...... I kind of took it for granted... it was always there... i didn't appreciate it ... but now i do.... I still love the E36 though. Gawd i blabber on... It just brought back memories... Cos your blue one is exactly like the old E30 exept for the lip..... They look in excellent condition :thumb: Good work
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