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Biship last won the day on December 21 2021

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14 Good

About Biship

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    1st Gear

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  1. Mitch and I connected. He's looking to get his dads car back. Very noble of him! @m325i here's another (my other) red car you should own/drive:
  2. Necroposting! Yeah, she's my baby. I had it repainted, and some work done (Camshaft grind, valves, polishing of Conrods, lightened Crankshaft & Flywheel, polished Cyl Head, Face & Cut Valve Seats, Bore Block, Oil Pump, New Pistons, Rockers, main & big end bearings, Clutch Set, Motec M48). Yes, unfortunately it sits (securely) in storage, and oddly I can't find a more recent picture than 2007 1st photo is after re-spray and when it went into storage. (back when taking photos was hard). The colour looks better in person. 2nd photo is pre-respray.
  3. LOTS of ppl like Jim C's chips. If you not willing to spend a min of $2K for a piggyback, tuning and dyno - I'd go for Jim's chips. Id never believe the numbers tho. The car will prolly feel smoother and your butt dyno will read good. But you'll never see 24 horsies. Good luck getting a 5hp. Bimmer.org has hundreds of posts on Jim C's chips. But for me, with loads of mods, there is no way i'd get a replacement chip or even a reprogrammable one. Im not even keen on the piggybacks as there are some things you have no control over. I'm still leaning towards the Motec, but think I'll settle on a Link+. I've got the names of 4 ppl that can install and tune on the Waikato/Auckland area. I'll post them later. Gus - yeah its the 2.7eta and crank & rods. Idles poorly on the 149cc injectors. In a week I'll have the 315cc injectors in and let you know how it is. Hope to get a ems in around the same time. Grant - If going to 2.7 (and the mods associated with) increases hp, then the 149cc injectors just won't cut it. They will prolly run at 100% duty cycle when pulling hard. See http://www.rceng.com/technical.htm The 149cc injectors will get you a max of ~169 crank hp @80% duty cycle. Anyone done this AFM swap? http://www.davelength.net/car/bigsix.html Seems like a nice alternative to a MAF.
  4. Here's the dyno of the Auzi made powerchip that I bought and installed when the car was stock. The car felt smoother and more powerfull when it was on the powerchip, but after seeing the dyno (and the holes in it), I went back to the stock chip. Never buy this crap. They refused to give my money back when I asked for it. $1,000 wasted. It was their most expensive chip too. Quote: "Powerchip has a range of chips to suit your car, which can increase it's power to between 135 kW and 140 kW, and it's torque to between 239 Nm and 246 Nm." Anyone want to buy it from me? (Red=stock Black=Powerchip)
  5. Anyone know of where I can get some custom floor mats made? (E30) or some sexy new ones? I also am after Motorsport door sills for 2dr E30 coupe.. TIA Nick.
  6. Mods - bored to 2.7ltr, forged pistons (+afm rods etc), racing cam, ported exhaust, custom headers, afm exhaust (no idea on brand), 315cc injectors, fuel pressure regulator. Prolly other things... I also want to put on a MAF & Bored throttle body. I'm no mechanic and paid mint to have the whole engine ripped to bits and reassembled. I just want to be able to have full control on engine from all the imputs. Its currently not running very smoothly - idle's horribly (yeah i know it could be the o2 sensor). Seems to have holes at certain RPM's. I dont want any gauges, so i need a ems I can log everything to with a laptop. Do some runs, look at results from the sensors, and then remap. Link+ is the minimum I want to go. I don't hear all that good things about it. Anyone have experiences? I dont want a chip as I spent 1K on a piece of crap from Auzi that dyno'ed worse than stock. Nick
  7. I have a modified 1990 M325i and i think the stock ecu is having a fit trying to run it. What do you guys run in place of the stock chip? I have quotes ~3.5k for Link+ or ~5k or M48 Motec. I dont really care about cost. Just wanted to see what you guys run. I would like the ability to properly tune the car to optimize it's performance and drive-ability. Currently using the stock AFM, but about to replace it with a MAF. Thanks - Nick
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