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About Wazza07

  • Rank
    1st Gear

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Warren Kerr
  • Location
  • Car
    1973 3.0 CSI
  • Mods List
    Slightly lowered with 17"
  • Car 2
    1986 E24 S38B38
  • Car 3
    E46 330i Motorsport NZ

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  1. I have a Dogleg that would go nicely in this!!!
  2. Where can I find the guy that's making these?
  3. Be nice to have some plans to go off, from what I've researched 10 mm either way and the engine won't fit.. I've tried the Koala Motorsport web site but it seems to be closed down. They have a Facebook page but doesn't look like there has been any recent activity on there.
  4. Looking for the adapter plate for shifting the mount back on the left side to where the are on older blocks. S38 block to old M30 E3 E9 E12 E24 position.
  5. Yeah I sold the box alone for what I offered you the car but you didn't want to hear that! Brent (brent Hartge535) has the remainder of the car down in Papakura.
  6. Not impressed!!! You agreed to sell this to me which I accepted (I can post the personal messages if you like) andhave been waiting for you to contact me.
  7. I have one with dog leg 5 speed good engine but reg lapsed.
  8. Hi Mike The car is looking good. I imagine your not too far off being finished. I still have that BBS wheel you dropped off, send me a text on what you do you want about it. Cheers Warren
  9. All go now so thanks to all for the help. It was a faulty main relay, bridged the two 87 terminals and away it went. A $10 part was all that was stopping it from going. Not a bit of smoke from it and I'm surprised at how smoothly it runs.
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