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Everything posted by fuzyfrog

  1. Don't get me started on those stupid parent parks Why should i suffer because you popped out some horrible children Atleast make more parks for disabled people not lazy parents
  2. fuzyfrog


    Have one in for warranty replacement already....
  3. fuzyfrog


    Make sure its manual and a coupe
  4. Some friends were at Ruapuna and were telling me about a V8 supercharged E36. Looks awesome with the supercharger.
  5. Cool to see Rubens was faster than old Stig and the young guys in F1 Stig on the F1 Lap Board was from when Damon Hill was the Stig. I also love the sound of the new NA V8 Mercs.
  6. Yeah im still running XP. Need to grab 7 and install it soon. Only have Windows for Steam
  7. I have 16GB of ram in the 27" iMac Boot into windows and it sees 3. Gotta love it.
  8. I feel the same but hey its still new Top Gear. New season of Fifth Gear has been good so far.
  9. If anyone has any Apple related support questions feel free to PM me.
  10. Yeah lets blame National for Labours systematic screwing of ACC. The people to blame for this are the people who kept voting Helen in.
  11. I don't disagree that parts of the world , USA , Europe are most certainly in a recession and heading into a depression. But NZ is fine, Our banks are not in the position that European and American banks are in. Only people i know who are affected are people who had large amounts of debt to begin with. If you buy a house with next to no deposit or tick up a thousand items on HP with no interest then you are setting yourself up for failure. And even country's like America where the "recession" is "really" bad, Apple sold 3 million iPads in 80 days so the money is out there.
  12. Yeah cause having Labour back in would be an improvement If National doesn't get another term im outta here to a country not full of idiots and beneficiarys Also the economy is doing fine. People are still buying luxury items. Would love to see how people coped if we had a real recession not a made up media based recession.
  13. Its the same as the producers of South Park, They don't care if people pirate TV rips. Only DVD versions.
  14. Should be a BMW involved in the "80's Super Sedan for $5K" challenge
  15. The Reliant.... Oh so good.
  16. Apple Technician / Property
  17. Its pretty close to mine. They look good installed (Well the real ones do)
  18. This thread just keeps on giving.
  19. Gotta love how even brand new cars can have a 5kmph difference between what the report on the speedo and the actual speed. I remember seeing a test of a new nissan and a new toyota Both doing 100 on the speedo, Nissan was clocked at 102 and the Toyota at 98
  20. Who said its standard... As for the speedo being out. I dont doubt its not accurate above about 220. I also have no doubt that the car will do 150mph with ease.
  21. No idea Seeing as we are asking, Does anybody know the top speed of a 325i I know mine will go off the clock which is supposedly 260
  22. FFMPEG is the best Will convert anything to anything. FFMPEG
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