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Everything posted by fuzyfrog

  1. Uncharted 2 is worth the purchase price of a PS3. Love my launch day fat
  2. http://www.activeautowerke.com/ There products are supposed to be very very good and high quality from most the US based forums i have read. http://www.activeautowerke.com/viewproduct.aspx?id=Product91 E46 Supercharger Kit They are not cheap. Would love there 325i Turbo Kit
  3. Mines not a great one and it picks up patrol cars all day
  4. I want this so bad. Shame its well out of my price range. Maybe in year when im debt free and sold the rental........ http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-261467932.htm
  5. GT5 has only been delayed once from its official release date. Looks like September for us. Prologue is like 10 cars and 3 tracks and an extremely outdated build
  6. Is the one in CHCH still around ? I know theres a replica in CHCH aswell.
  7. Got your eyes on another E30?
  8. Great pics. Was a blue 180 out there?
  9. fuzyfrog


    Just remember the Warranty for iPhones is not worldwide and if it fails during the warranty period you will have to send it the country you purchased if from for servicing.
  10. I would in a second but I cant afford it right now.
  11. ADD or ADHD or what ever name you want to give it is a crock. Its an excuse for poor parenting
  12. fuzyfrog

    Blu-ray via PS3

    PS3 + PS3 Media Server + 4TB NAS Box = Win.
  13. Epic Lager is the best NZ beer.
  14. Friend had a manual Almost as fast as my Bimmer Sounded glorious. He had no issues apart from a few small electrical issues/ (windows etc)
  15. Oh yup who told you this....
  16. Or you could ignore the Newton which Apple released in 93
  17. So many people are missing the point of this product.
  18. 1) Late 90's Mitsubishi Diamante NO feeling in the steering or brakes or anything so you had to hope it would respond every time you cornered 2) Late 90's Camry Wagon Ughhhh 3) "Modded WRX Bro" Test drove it for a friend once. Cut springs, Free boost and no front brakes
  19. Love it. Had the pleasure of spending a week with one as a daily.
  20. Lack of SD card and no HDMI is a deal breaker for me. Although I will have to wait and see what the Jailbreak community does with them.
  21. $499 model will be around $699 here. We have not been given full pricing yet. Oh and the dual screen Microsoft thing was just a concept.
  22. Its not being marketed to replace your laptop or phone. We are pushing them in the education market more than home users.
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