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B.M.W Ltd

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Posts posted by B.M.W Ltd

  1. All sorted. Thanks for everyones input. I downloaded the latest version of "HandBrake" and have copied over two of my movies onto the USB stick successfully this morning. It took approx 30 minutes to copy over each 900mb. Both movies play on my lap top so they should play on the TV. I copied them in MPEG-4. The movies are only for back up if we're in an area with no satellite coverage. I have a sat dish & a MYSky box on board.... and a fridge full of "red" :P

  2. Otherwise feel free to send me the drive and I will fill it up with movies for you. Issue is my movies are all HD and range from 6gb to 20gb per movie. But should be able to get 10 to 15 new releases on there for you.

    Thanks for the offer Dan. It's only 64 gig though. I'll ring you in the morning. Is your number still the same ? If not ...Pm me

    PS... I don't want any of your home made porn though :P

  3. By the sounds, about 20 movies on a dvd will already be converted to some kind of format. they wouldn't be raw dvd files.

    Need to check what format the movies are in on the dvd and convert them to a format accepted by the TV. beware of the free converters available, they're mostly a pain in the arse.

    They are 20 movies on 20 DVD's not all on the same DVD.

    I'm starting to get the right idea of what I need to do. I'll check the DVD's when I get home

  4. Programs, Movies and so on. Unless they are home videos?

    I don't know what's on the DVD's . The previous owner just said they were copies of movies. Haven't check the titles or watched them. There are about 20 all together.

    I think I'm getting the picture now. I need to download them onto my laptop using something like "HandBrake" using the correct file type that is accepted by the TV and then copy them onto the USB stick.... is this correct ???

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